Many peoples using url shorten except of original url path of sites in micro blogging like twitter, identi.ca, facebook. I want to know that use of url shorter is better except original url link of site in micro blogging or not and why ?

People use short URLs for twitter because there is a low character limit and in most cases full URLs are too long to fit. If you care about SEO, make sure that you use a URL shortener that does a 301 Permanent Redirect to the full URL so that "seo juice" gets passed appropriately. I like the bit.ly service because it has nice performance tracking tools.

Definitely, you could not use full links on micro blog. So it is more helpful.

URL shortening done wrong is bad. Don't use anything besides those that are really serious. Right now, bit.ly is the best option.

Is there any other use of url shorter except it that it's convert link in short form ? If there are any other benefits to use url shortener so please share here.

People use short URLs for twitter because there is a low character limit and in most cases full URLs are too long to fit. If you care about SEO, make sure that you use a URL shortener that does a 301 Permanent Redirect to the full URL so that "seo juice" gets passed appropriately. I like the bit.ly service because it has nice performance tracking tools.

Hmmnnn . . . I have never tried bit.ly. This is good advice.

Have you ever tried snipurl.com? I am curious to know how the two services compare.
There is also a Plug-in for WordPress blogs that allows you to base a shortened URL on your own domain. However, if you are using Twitter, and are sensitive about character limit, I suppose site names don't get much shorter than bit.ly.

The main argument against URL shortening services is that users don't know which domain they are being redirected to.

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