what is the best, most efficient way to find promising link prospects – those that will bring you fast, measurable business results?

Links are not created equal, so focus all of your effort on your industry. Get a list together of similar niche sites and plan to visit each and see what it would take to get the links.

I believe that we should get more information about internet marketing from analysts who analyze things properly before starting internet marketing and we can get to know how it works!!

Joseph: HUH???? I have no clue what you just said.

Do just what qlipboard said. Get links from a lot of various mid-level trafficked websites within your niche. I say mid-level because you don't want only pages that all have PR0 and no traffic themselves, but you also want to keep it affordable without paying $5,000 a link to be on the homepage of cnn.com

Posting a link on a website with PR5+ is worth 100 times more than posting onto a website with no PR.

My suggestion is using google toolbar to analyse each pages PR

Start with
Directory Submissions
Add you Biz to Google Maps
Related Topic Forum Posts with URl in signatures
Analysing your competitors backlinks and copying them
Start Link exchanging

Keep track of each link, and you will see results


The companies should have more customers with links. They should be well known to the people.

Go checkout Famedesk
They have the most promising link-building offers.

It wouldn't even open for me.

Forum participation and social book marking are the two most best ways to build quality back links.

There are many way which are most efficent and easy are Social Bookmarking, directory submission, article submission, blog comment, forum posting

Forum participation and social book marking are the two most best ways to build quality back links.

Could you give me a tiny explanation of social bookmarking? Does it mean including Digg, delicious, and all those little icons I see everywhere? On my site, or elsewhere, or?

Yes--I'm new. Guess you can see that pretty dang clearly!

When I was first getting DaniWeb off the ground, I was into the whole link building game like CRAZY! This thread just reminded me how far out of the loop I have been with regards to the latest link building techniques.

I posted to various forums using a link to DaniWeb in my signature. Not spamming, of course! I also regularly googled various keywords I wanted to rank for, and tried to make deals with all of the sites that came up in top positions.

Social media didn't exist even a couple of years ago like it does today. So I didn't really have the benefit of using Twitter or Facebook to my advantage.

Write good and compelling content for the user. Always try to build the site from users prospective. Links will come naturally.

We can work on (on page) to make our website strong. And (off page) We can work to spread our keywords. Blog commenting,Directories submissions,social bookmarking and forums posting has improved your site rank better than anyting.

what is the best, most efficient way to find promising link prospects – those that will bring you fast, measurable business results?

Pay Google and Yahoo! to promote your sites.

For me active social media marketing, relevant forums, blog commenting are the effective ways of link building strategies so far for me.

send a mail to the web master for getting your link there and sidewise do somelink exchanging at your end as well with the people avialable on internet

The easiest way and the most efficient in terms of allocated time, is to post your link automatically in Social Bookmarking sites, Press Release sites and Article Directories using Traffic Anarchy. See my sig for more details.

Social Book marking is the most efficient way of building links. So do book marking your site with right keyword and description.

What i understand form this post is how to market our website
the easy way is Using automate backlink.
Do research about it
papankenyataan.com - Iklan Percuma | Iklan Free

Don't Spam

Social book marking is very effective :)

try to submit your website on most valuable high quality PR sites like in directory, article directory, social networking, press release, forums, blogs, hub pages creation, profile creation sites and relevant sites(link exchange) these all works can give you quality backlinks and generate your website SERPs and traffics.

One way link building is the most efficient way.
When we are talking about One way link building(backlink to your site), three things should be taken care,
1.High PR/Authority Site
3.Relevant to your industry/theme based

Check all backlinks to your site and verify how many of them are following above criteria;-)

If you do a little more research you will find Google no longer considers backlinks to be important. Not sure about others but Google now ranks on traffic. Whether it's a blog or a regular website, video marketing has a huge influence on your traffic volume so if I were you I would consider a targeted video campaign.

I am in the process of developing a site catering for this market and supplying HTML lead capture templates with video and optin form. Linked to a video campaign on YouTube (which of course Google favors) you can build your list by offering freebies or promote your business opportunity when traffic links back to your site. Perhaps returning traffic is what you should be aiming for not links.

its like you needs SEO

SEO = backlink ( leaving link to your site ) , Rss feed , link wheels , Social bookmarking and 1 things left I suddenly forget

Submit to yahoo and also other good directories along with some press releases. It will not show instant results but with in one month or so you will notice considerable change in website rankings. Best luck.

There are different way of link building. I think social bookmarking is best way to promote your Product or site. An other way is internal link. Thaks

Blogging, forums and articles posting can help you a lot.

Link exchange is the best tool.Study your industry.Get good links to niche websites with a good PR

blog commenting on your related site (in do follow)
forum posting (creating signature)
Article submission (write article & submit different article submission site)
Press Release submission(write press release & submit different press release submission site)
Profile link creation (By using Web 2)
Write different blog as a guest author.

Social bookmarking

Using these you can get huge backlink . Do not spam .

But for profile link creation i don't know is it spam on not?

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