
Can anyone tell me please how to promote a website through Facebook.

Any help will be appreciated.

facebook is a very popular social media and good source of traffic. I and using facebook to attract good traffic.

First: You have to create your own Group on facebook on a specific topic that is related to your website.

Second: Promote your group in friends and friends of friends and on other groups to increase your group membership.

This way you can get lot of free traffic forever.
for example you can see my Group at http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=103499786349854&ref=ts

I have shared links to my blog on facebook and have brought some traffic. If the content makes people worth then definitely promoting methods also worth.

I think social networking sites will only provide you a temporary boost of traffic.

only if you can provide interesting stuff on facebook, people are willing to following you and visit your site. it is not easy work

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