What would you do with it? Would you put it in a high yield savings vehicle?, buy a stock or two?, invest in a website or other internet business?, start a service business at home?, start a business leveraging low cost off shore help?, spend it on something fun?..
I'm just curious. I have started several businesses, closing the last one after 15 years of service. I've not looked at many opportunities and don't know a whole lot about the web from a business building standpoint. This is a historically bad economy but I firnmly beleive that for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction, therefore, there is SOMEPLACE in the economy that's growing just as fast as others are falling.
This site (Daniweb) as so many smart and creative types with strong opinions on everything, so I thought this would be a fun creative question to pose.
Do you think you could turn that $500 into $5,000?, $500,000?...