Hi all,
These days everybody is talking about Social bookmarking sites......but which are the good social bookmarkting sites of high PR that increases website traffic....???
Hi all,
These days everybody is talking about Social bookmarking sites......but which are the good social bookmarkting sites of high PR that increases website traffic....???
The forum which you are using currently is the best for traffic generation
yes this forum is damn good,,,
also you can use
to get the maximum traffic that you want
Delicious, Digg, Stumble upon, Reddit, facebookand twitter are the best.
These are best Social bookmarking sites.
There is lots of Social Networking and Social Bookmarking sites are there which bring traffic to your site.
Such as
1. Facebook
2. Twitter
3. Diggo
4. Squdo
and so on...
facebook and twitter works best for me.But i hpe this forum will work to becouze it looks like a pro forum with a lot of useful stuff.
The various Social bookmarking sites that increases website traffic and that have high PR are Stumbleupon, Facebook, Twitter, Delicious, Mixx, Digg, MySpace and many more.
I am getting much traffic from 3 sites, stumbleupon, digg and delicious . Hope these sites will help you a lot.
I am sure StumbleUpon is at the top than Digg ,,,, Facebook... Twitter and last is Delicious. working with these site can increase your website traffic easily.
digg, stumble upon and indentica are the best to generate good traffic.
stumble upon is not good now a days since they don't provide link externally instead the user have to copy the link and past it in the browser .
Mister Wong
Try to use high pr social bookmarking sites they are really good.
I usually bookmark in the following sites to get traffic for my website - facebook, twitter, stumble upon, delicious, digg, reditt, mister wong, mylinkvault, jumptags.
Hi all,
These days everybody is talking about Social bookmarking sites......but which are the good social bookmarking sites of high PR that increases website traffic....???
Personally I Think Digg, Delicious, Reddit and Stumbleupon is best Social Bookmarking Sites.
Try social book marking sites with high quality like StumbleUpon, Digg, Reditt, Delicious etc. and social media sites like Squidoo, Facebook, Twitter, Hubpages etc.
i use facebook and twitter its very helpful to get the traffic for my website.
There are thousands of social bookmarking website some are mixx, digg, yahoo bookmarks, stumble upon, clip marks, delicious, reddit.
I received a really good piece of advice a few months ago. While it is crucial to have a presence on those more popular networks (Facebook et al) it is also very smart to identify Web destinations in your particular niche/vertical. There will not be the same potential in terms of traffic but the quality is far higher.
i have a good bookmarking site i think it will help you...
1. http://bookmarks.yahoo.com - PageRank: 7 - Alexa: 1
2. http://myweb.yahoo.com - PageRank: 8 - Alexa: 1
3. http://www.google.com/notebook - PageRank: 7 - Alexa: 3
4. http://favorites.live.com - PageRank: 6 - Alexa: 5
5. http://www.digg.com - PageRank: 8 - Alexa: 104
6. http://mystuff.ask.com - PageRank: 8 - Alexa: 194
7. http://www.technorati.com - PageRank: 8 - Alexa: 238
8. http://del.icio.us - PageRank: 8 - Alexa: 260
9. http://www.stumbleupon.com - PageRank: 8 - Alexa: 288
10. http://www.netscape.com - PageRank: 9 - Alexa: 525
11. http://www.reddit.com - PageRank: 7 - Alexa: 861
12. http://www.meneame.net - PageRank: 7 - Alexa: 1,762
13. http://www.fark.com - PageRank: 7 - Alexa: 2,049
14. http://www.ilike.com - PageRank: 6 - Alexa: 2,945
15. http://www.mog.com - PageRank: 6 - Alexa: 3,284
16. http://www.newsvine.com - PageRank: 7 - Alexa: 4,173
17. http://www.furl.net - PageRank: 8 - Alexa: 4,179
18. http://www.blinklist.com - PageRank: 6 - Alexa: 4,852
19. http://www.dzone.com - PageRank: 6 - Alexa: 5,071
20. http://www.clipmarks.com - PageRank: 6 - Alexa: 6,834
21. http://www.kaboodle.com - PageRank: 6 - Alexa: 7,066
22. http://www.bumpzee.com - PageRank: 4 - Alexa: 7,214
23. http://ma.gnolia.com - PageRank: 7 - Alexa: 7,416
24. http://www.rollyo.com - PageRank: 7 - Alexa: 8,153
25. http://www.jaiku.com - PageRank: 6 - Alexa: 8,506
26. http://www.9rules.com - PageRank: 8 - Alexa: 8,691
27. http://www.startaid.com - PageRank: 4 - Alexa: 9,069
28. http://www.shoutwire.com - PageRank: 5 - Alexa: 10,216
29. http://www.bluedot.us - PageRank: 6 - Alexa: 10,224
30. http://www.gather.com - PageRank: 6 - Alexa: 10,446
31. http://www.simpy.com - PageRank: 7 - Alexa: 11,018
32. http://www.nowpublic.com - PageRank: 7 - Alexa: 13,077
33. http://www.plugim.com - PageRank: 5 - Alexa: 13,733
34. http://www.stylehive.com - PageRank: 5 - Alexa: 14,062
35. http://www.spurl.net - PageRank: 6 - Alexa: 14,448
36. http://www.blinkbits.com - PageRank: 6 - Alexa: 14,621
37. http://www.librarything.com - PageRank: 7 - Alexa: 14,929
38. http://www.blogmarks.net - PageRank: 6 - Alexa: 15,334
39. http://www.netvouz.com - PageRank: 6 - Alexa: 15,486
40. http://www.diigo.com - PageRank: 6 - Alexa: 16,328
41. http://www.wink.com - PageRank: 6 - Alexa: 17,483
42. http://www.corank.com - PageRank: 5 - Alexa: 18,063
43. http://www.popurls.com - PageRank: 6 - Alexa: 18,542
44. http://www.mister-wong.com - PageRank: 6 - Alexa: 19,913
45. http://www.backflip.com - PageRank: 6 - Alexa: 20,036
46. http://www.rojo.com - PageRank: 8 - Alexa: 24,035
47. http://www.shadows.com - PageRank: 6 - Alexa: 26,359
48. http://www.bloghop.com - PageRank: 6 - Alexa: 28,551
49. http://www.rawsugar.com - PageRank: 6 - Alexa: 28,679
50. http://www.listible.com - PageRank: 6 - Alexa: 28,854
51. http://www.thoof.com - PageRank: 4 - Alexa: 29,996
52. http://www.tailrank.com - PageRank: 7 - Alexa: 31,764
53. http://www.wists.com - PageRank: 5 - Alexa: 32,096
54. http://www.bibsonomy.org - PageRank: 6 - Alexa: 32,143
55. http://www.plime.com - PageRank: 6 - Alexa: 32,608
56. http://my.xilinus.com - PageRank: 5 - Alexa: 33,992
57. http://www.yoono.com - PageRank: 7 - Alexa: 37,043
58. http://www.searchles.com - PageRank: 6 - Alexa: 38,080
59. http://www.hugg.com - PageRank: 6 - Alexa: 40,325
60. http://www.citeulike.org - PageRank: 7 - Alexa: 42,690
61. http://www.kuro5hin.org - PageRank: 7 - Alexa: 43,416
62. http://de.lirio.us - PageRank: 7 - Alexa: 44,008
63. http://www.spotback.com - PageRank: 5 - Alexa: 44,542
64. http://www.spotplex.com - PageRank: 6 - Alexa: 45,914
65. http://www.fazed.org - PageRank: 5 - Alexa: 46,862
66. http://www.kinja.com - PageRank: 7 - Alexa: 48,083
67. http://www.connotea.org - PageRank: 7 - Alexa: 50,838
68. http://www.markaboo.com - PageRank: 5 - Alexa: 51,636
69. http://www.stylefeeder.com - PageRank: 6 - Alexa: 52,124
70. http://www.i89.us - PageRank: 4 - Alexa: 52,467
71. http://www.linkagogo.com - PageRank: 6 - Alexa: 53,642
72. http://www.lifelogger.com - PageRank: 5 - Alexa: 57,816
73. http://www.feedmelinks.com - PageRank: 6 - Alexa: 58,515
74. http://www.tagtooga.com - PageRank: 5 - Alexa: 58,629
75. http://www.buddymarks.com - PageRank: 5 - Alexa: 59,264
76. http://www.claimid.com - PageRank: 7 - Alexa: 59,735
77. http://www.clipfire.com - PageRank: 7 - Alexa: 59,735
78. http://www.linkroll.com - PageRank: 5 - Alexa: 60,704
79. http://www.bmaccess.net - PageRank: 4 - Alexa: 67,799
80. http://www.aboogy.com - PageRank: 4 - Alexa: 68,810
81. http://www.oyax.com - PageRank: 4 - Alexa: 70,420
82. http://www.gravee.com - PageRank: 5 - Alexa: 71,022
83. http://www.butterflyproject.nl - PageRank: 5 - Alexa: 82,517
84. http://www.myhq.com - PageRank: 5 - Alexa: 84,174
85. http://www.wirefan.com - PageRank: 3 - Alexa: 86,989
86. http://ww2.ikeepbookmarks.com - PageRank: 3 - Alexa: 99,132
87. http://www.a1-webmarks.com - PageRank: 4 - Alexa: 102,467
88. http://www.connectedy.com - PageRank: 4 - Alexa: 102,786
89. http://www.sitejot.com - PageRank: 4 - Alexa: 104,531
90. http://www.linkatopia.com - PageRank: 5 - Alexa: 104,757
91. http://www.myvmarks.com - PageRank: 5 - Alexa: 107,019
92. http://www.getboo.com - PageRank: 4 - Alexa: 107,787
93. http://www.mylinkvault.com - PageRank: 5 - Alexa: 107,919
94. http://www.urlex.info - PageRank: 4 - Alexa: 111,942
95. http://www.lilisto.com - PageRank: 5 - Alexa: 117,882
96. http://www.philoi.com - PageRank: 4 - Alexa: 119,466
97. http://www.syncone.net - PageRank: 4 - Alexa: 120,241
98. http://www.syncone.net - PageRank: 4 - Alexa: 120,241
99. http://www.30daytags.com - PageRank: 4 - Alexa: 121,240
100. http://www.shoppersbase.com - PageRank: 4 - Alexa: 121,787
101. http://www.linkfilter.net - PageRank: 6 - Alexa: 126,289
102. http://www.jeteye.com - PageRank: 7 - Alexa: 139,913
103. http://www.hanzoweb.com - PageRank: 5 - Alexa: 147,791
104. http://www.myprogs.net - PageRank: 5 - Alexa: 153,994
105. http://www.reader2.com - PageRank: 5 - Alexa: 154,589
106. http://www.fungow.com - PageRank: 4 - Alexa: 161,631
107. http://www.feedmarker.com - PageRank: 6 - Alexa: 183,175
108. http://www.zlitt.com - PageRank: 3 - Alexa: 186,557
109. http://www.hyperlinkomatic.com - PageRank: 5 - Alexa: 188,099
110. http://www.tektag.com - PageRank: 4 - Alexa: 195,310
111. http://dev.upian.com/hotlinks/ - PageRank: 6 - Alexa: 197,988
112. http://www.givealink.org - PageRank: 5 - Alexa: 206,332
113. http://www.unalog.com - PageRank: 5 - Alexa: 209,357
114. http://www.plum.com - PageRank: 5 - Alexa: 212,421
115. http://www.ifaves.com - PageRank: 4 - Alexa: 243,925
116. http://www.taggly.com - PageRank: 5 - Alexa: 244,560
117. http://www.rrove.com - PageRank: 5 - Alexa: 270,344
118. http://www.maple.nu - PageRank: 0 - Alexa: 273,975
119. http://www.links2go.com - PageRank: 6 - Alexa: 292,911
120. http://www.sync2it.com - PageRank: 5 - Alexa: 294,608
121. http://www.saveyourlinks.com - PageRank: 5 - Alexa: 298,538
122. http://www.web-feeds.com - PageRank: 5 - Alexa: 302,599
123. http://www.ez4u.net - PageRank: 4 - Alexa: 304,278
124. http://www.allmyfavorites.net - PageRank: 4 - Alexa: 324,449
125. http://www.6-clicks.com - PageRank: 4 - Alexa: 342,096
126. http://www.ambedo.com - PageRank: 5 - Alexa: 370,925
127. http://www.cloudytags.com - PageRank: 4 - Alexa: 375,411
128. http://www.dohat.com - PageRank: 4 - Alexa: 378,369
129. http://www.chipmark.com - PageRank: 2 - Alexa: 391,193
130. http://www.bookkit.com - PageRank: 4 - Alexa: 404,019
131. http://www.wobblog.com - PageRank: 4 - Alexa: 412,265
132. http://www.meme-stream.com - PageRank: 3 - Alexa: 419,904
133. http://www.thinkpocket.com - PageRank: 4 - Alexa: 428,727
134. http://www.yattle.com - PageRank: 3 - Alexa: 452,735
135. http://www.tutorialism.com - PageRank: 4 - Alexa: 454,097
136. http://www.carnatic.com/www/ - PageRank: 5 - Alexa: 455,733
137. http://www.2centsnews.com - PageRank: 3 - Alexa: 497,794
138. http://www.gibeo.net - PageRank: 6 - Alexa: 516,754
139. http://www.portachi.com - PageRank: 4 - Alexa: 523,206
140. http://www.aworldofhelp.com - PageRank: 3 - Alexa: 540,229
141. http://www.tabmarks.com - PageRank: 3 - Alexa: 602,582
142. http://supr.c.ilio.us - PageRank: 5 - Alexa: 671,434
143. http://www.sitetagger.com - PageRank: 0 - Alexa: 675,383
144. http://www.trexy.com - PageRank: 6 - Alexa: 789,323
145. http://www.openserving.com - PageRank: 6 - Alexa: 818,185
146. http://www.allyourwords.com - PageRank: 5 - Alexa: 877,650
147. http://thumblicio.us - PageRank: 6 - Alexa: 930,264
148. http://www.newsweight.com - PageRank: 2 - Alexa: 940,884
149. http://www.nextaris.com - PageRank: 6 - Alexa: 964,600
150. http://www.pixelmo.com - PageRank: 4 - Alexa: 1,028,271
151. http://www.listmixer.com - PageRank: 5 - Alexa: 1,425,518
152. http://www.wurldbook.com - PageRank: 6 - Alexa: 1,470,607
153. http://www.memfrag.com - PageRank: 4 - Alexa: 1,490,036
154. http://www.feedalley.com - PageRank: 5 - Alexa: 1,659,422
155. http://www.smelis.com - PageRank: 4 - Alexa: 2,141,471
156. http://www.recipe-buzz.com - PageRank: 0 - Alexa: 4,011,082
You can get much traffic from Facebook, Twitter, Myspace, Linkedin, Yahoo Pulse, Digg and Redditt.
I think that it is important to mention, that it would be a good idea to spread your backlinks out on different type of sites like blogs, forums, bookmarking sites, article sites, and web sites.
Doing this, will make you less vulnerable, when Google update its search algorithms.
Social Bookmarking is the best way to increase the traffic of the website as large number of people use this sites.There are number of Bookmarking sites but amongst those the best sites are bookmarking are Digg,Myspace,Stumbleupon,Folkd, etc..
There are tons of them.
Best Book Marking Sites:-
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