I see that people have posted about how they have got 1200 members on their forums but they are asking how to get more signing up! But how did they get that far?

For those who have a forum and are starting of in the forum woeld find it hard to get users to sign up.

How did You(if you have a forum) start off? How did you get users to sign up? How did you make your site appeal to them? Link exchanges? Any sites to recommend?

Because with me I am trying to get my site off the ground and I am trying to get users to sign up but they will not! Its just that I have seen post where people are saying they have got 1200 member and they want more! How did they get them?

Sorry it’s a bit long winded! Just need a bit of information to help me and other forum admins who have just setup a forum

Thank a lot for reading!

I believe a lot of sites like that which have so many members can just be because of the audience you plug yourself into. With your problem try to find a place which you'll be unique with your forum... I.e. not another ipod site. More like a hifi site or something, which will still hold interest for you.

Away from the topic just now I observed that all the forum posting are having html extensions .I suppose that forum are using php & MySQL .Can you please throw some light that how to go for it .I am interested to start a forum but I prefer .html extension

just observing and learning
from all of you, I hope you
don't mind..

No one will mind it really .

It is one of the best way to learn indeed.

Also if you have got anything to share please fee free to do that also so that other will also get benefitted also .We all learn from interantion / communications

ipodman, you're right. I guess perhaps those numbers are not real, while you visit such forum you'll find hardly few posts and even 10 percent members are active there. I think this might be the reason that they are asking to get more sign up. :rolleyes:

i know this isnt supposed to be in this forum but i cant find a forum this would work for. but does ne one no how to get around banned websites

Obiztek, .html extensions that rewrite dynamic pages can be accomplished with SEO hacks - there are unofficial SEO hacks available for most major forum systems including phpBB and vBulletin.

Sognos, I'm not quite sure what you're asking, but whatever it is, this is the wrong place for it. Please start your own thread. Thanks.

Obiztek, .html extensions that rewrite dynamic pages can be accomplished with SEO hacks - there are unofficial SEO hacks available for most major forum systems including phpBB and vBulletin.

SEO isn't the *only* reason to use mod_rewrite. It also makes it easier for people to link to topics.

... which does wonders for word of mouth advertising.


Speaking of word of mouth advertising, I've noticed that tons of people just type my site name into google (without the .net) to find it. When I ask people how they found the site, they'll say things like "my teacher told me about it" or "my cousin recommended it to me" or "My psychologist told me about it" which is really cool. Its a more interesting response then "just clicked on an ad from google," and it doesn't cost 20-30 cents. :cheesy:

Yes, it can definitely be very rewarding when you sit down and think about all of these people from around the world who are actually discussing and recommending something that you built.

CSCgal, Yep, it is very true.

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