I have not done anything at all to this webpage recently. I check it regularly and the there is never a problem with the AdSense ads just like with my other pages on this website. But I checked it today and for the last few hours, there is a blank space where the AdSense ads should be. I checked the other pages on the website and the AdSense ads on them are all OK. Does anyone have an idea what it may be? This webpage has been up for years. Health Benefits of Green Tea

Is it possible the first time I went to it there was a glich and the computer put the page in memory and then whenever I check it, it gives me the bad page from memory?

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Is it possible the first time I went to it there was a glich and the computer put the page in memory and then whenever I check it, it gives me the bad page from memory?

Can you post an image how the white space appear near your ad? Might be a Javascript issue.

This problem has disappeared just as mysteriously as it appeared. Maybe it came from the hosting website.

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