I have worked on a few blogs for several years and have treated them as a creative outlet. Haven't been concerned about getting followers or traffic.
Presently, the "Blogroll" section of my blog is empty. However, I am now considering adding several URLs to this section. I don't plan to follow these other blogs everyday; I want to treat this section of my blog as a convenient online bookmarking service for myself (instead of saving a collection of links in, say, a text file).
I am now wondering, by linking to another person's blog, do they automatically receive notification that somebody has linked to them? Or does that only happen if I subscribe to their RSS feed?
I don't expect the other bloggers to link to me, but it would be a nice bonus. And I don't plan to initiate contact with the other bloggers to make a link-back request.
So ... my question is: does having a Blogroll result in any benefits to a blogger, other than creating a convenient collection of links, so that everything is one click away?