I am trying to expand my site to a e-commerce site, but are having problems making code work. I need a resource that can take the difficulty of had writing code and that is user friendly. Anyone have any ideas. Also, if it is free that it is great, but are willing to pay for code and service.

I need functionality such as to control all processes made by user who wants to purchase goods.

I need functionality such as to control all processes made by user who wants to purchase goods.

If you know PHP or ASP, then do a search for free scripts or go to hotscripts (suggested by dani). Depend on the payment methods you want to accept, you may need to integrate your payment gateway yourself. If you server do not run php or asp (very unlikely), you can get javascript shopping cart too.

Alternatively, you may use service provider, like ourselves (basket2go:cheesy: ), to handle your shopping cart. Other provider like romancart is quite popular and integrated with many payment gateways (more than we do:-| ).

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