Hello Everyone,

can you please help me?

Now,I am learn SMO and I am SMO Beginner. I have a confusion about banner post on social media

my question is that how much maximum post the banner everyday on social media for ecommerce website?

Please Everyone guide me and reply me ASAP


Ved Web Services [Junior SMO Executive]

Hi there!

If you're a biginner in your business, I suggest you to post atleast one (1) banner a day and that banner may include your products or services that you're offering. For example, indicate in your banner the top selling products in your business or if you have a sale, indicate in your banner that you are having a 2 or a 5 days sale (Just an example), or maybe a promo, for example you're having a buy one take one, or if you buy this, you will get this for free. Or if you're not into those promos, you may include in your banner the best products and services that your business is offering.

I hope it would help you. Good luck! :)

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