My AdSense revenue has really declined heavily this month. I can't figure out if it's my new design or if it's just an AdSense trend. My CTR decreased by 0.1% as well! :(

What have trends been like for everyone else this month?

Yes, it's decreased a bit for me also. I hope, Google planned to pay for referrers also.

My AdSense revenue has really declined heavily this month. I can't figure out if it's my new design or if it's just an AdSense trend. My CTR decreased by 0.1% as well! :(

What have trends been like for everyone else this month?

i know why. plenty of advertisers left because of the massive number of fraudulent/junk clicks they receive.

the quality of clicks is falling, so is the money paid by the advertisers, and so the payout to publishers

thats the life :p

dani you may switch to Yahoo, they limit their program to US publishers, and pay 10 times more bc of that.

The Adsense referral program may attract more publishers pushing down the potential earnings. Have you tried Chitika yet?

I was just surfing around the forum and checking out both your Yahoo and Adsense ads. Some of the Yahoo ads really aren't very well targeted it seems. Hopefully they will get better at that as time goes on.


Are you sure to publish both yahoo & Google ads at the same site? Is it not violating Google policies?

I'm not the expert on AdSense, but I believe she can use both as long as they are not on the same page. It looks to me like she is testing and using G on some pages and Y on others.

Then it's Nice.

But I learned Google' CTR will reduce if we use other add units. (Even G's alternative add url) - Source: AdsenseSecrets-v2

Correct me if I am wrong.

Yes, I'm not running AdSense and Yahoo on the same page. :) So you are saying that Google's CTR is improved if you have an ad spot devoted solely to AdSense, instead of rotating it with other ads? That is most likely true. The reason is because when AdSense rotates with other ads, the spot becomes a known spot on the site for ads, and it often gets overlooked by site regulars. Having an Adsense-only spot can often be more integrated into the site. I don't follow my own advice because I just use AdSense for default inventory that I don't sell myself :)

Unblocking ads can significantly improve AdSense performance.

Yeah, I know ... I don't block any :)

I've noticed that I haven't been getting as much revenue as before. Compared to the first day of this month, my dollars earned went from three digits per day to 1 digits per day in one month.

Three digits to one digit in a month?! That's terrible :( Has traffic decreased proportionally? Have you changed anything on your end?

Three digits to one digit in a month?! That's terrible :( Has traffic decreased proportionally? Have you changed anything on your end?

Well, the month before it had been 1 digit too, but on the first of this month, the site was mentioned on the front page of the los angeles times and I was interviewed about it on good morning america so I guess that type of publicity is only temporary :-|

Now it is averaging around a little less than 10 dollars per day but I really think thats a result of the fact that my site has really really low paying keywords and I do think that the pay for google adsense is declining.

I do get 1.7-1.8 mill page views per month so i don't know if the amount of money is proportionate to that figure.

u can also sell your banner space and list the # of immpressions u are willing to give, on my online auction. You can make alot of money by people that are just looking to advertise also, then you dont have to worri about google invalid clicks and tax

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