Google Adsence... Is there anything like it?

I have been using the google adsense/adwords to generate some revenue on my sites. I am wondering if there is anything else similiar to it.

Any suggestions?

There are a couple of others, with the biggest right now being YPN, the Yahoo! Publisher Network at

Some others include AzoogleAds, ContextWeb, ... hmm, I know there are a couple of others.

There are a couple of others, with the biggest right now being YPN, the Yahoo! Publisher Network at

Some others include AzoogleAds, ContextWeb, ... hmm, I know there are a couple of others.

Thank you for the reply. After posting the original message, I surfed through the forum and was able to find mention of the yahoo publisher program and immediately signed up... well applied. Let's see how many days until I hear back from them.

I will research some of the other services you mentioend as well. I wonder if there are any pro's and cons to any of them. Has anyone had bad experiences?

My experience with Yahoo has been that the ads aren't nearly as targeted as AdSense, and therefore get far fewer clicks, but it is more than compensated by the realllllly great cost per click. Most people have found they make more from Yahoo off of fewer clicks.

My experience with Yahoo has been that the ads aren't nearly as targeted as AdSense, and therefore get far fewer clicks, but it is more than compensated by the realllllly great cost per click. Most people have found they make more from Yahoo off of fewer clicks.

Thats really good for me because my site has really, really, really low priced keywords!

well, i use i'm very pleased with the results:):idea:

Is there a reason that the only posts you make are to endorse click-share?

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