I had an idea to do what many social networks do on my community; like myspace or bebo, you can invite people from your AOL, Gmail, Yahoo, Hotmail address books, just by inputing your password and username, then an email will be sent saying xxxx has invited you to this site.
How can I implement this and what is necessary?

Their are several commerical products which you can use in conjuntion with your website these can be bought for a price and should work with most forum software, phpbb2, ipb, vbull etc. I'm not sure how you'd go around developing your own invite system but im guessing you have to pay microsoft for access to the servers so the contact list can be used.

Their are several commerical products which you can use in conjuntion with your website these can be bought for a price and should work with most forum software, phpbb2, ipb, vbull etc. I'm not sure how you'd go around developing your own invite system but im guessing you have to pay microsoft for access to the servers so the contact list can be used.

You dont have to pay micrsoft
a) You KNOW we got a system in place
b) You KNOW its possible
d) Dont lie about your computer spec ;)

If anyone would like source code fromk our developers, do contact me, we developed it open source :mrgreen:

You dont have to pay micrsoft
a) You KNOW we got a system in place
b) You KNOW its possible
d) Dont lie about your computer spec ;)

If anyone would like source code fromk our developers, do contact me, we developed it open source :mrgreen:

a). I know we have a system in place (but their are other people here)
b). I do know its possible, did I say it was'nt?
c). I also know its open source! But you can get paid versions
d). Did I lie about my specs? Acording to the 'About this Mac' feature on my
E). Maybe you do have to pay microsoft or maybe you don't, however I'm pretty sure I saw a commerical licesence out their for one of these 'address book' software packages in which you had to pay a little extra to get hotmail emails (maybe they were trying to cash in a bit more money).

Replying to my topic that was old anyway is just cocky... especially when you know we resolved the issue :confused:

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