Hey everyone,

I'm curious if anyone here has experience with HARO link building service? I've heard it’s a great way to get high-quality backlinks from top-tier publications like Forbes and The New York Times.

Does it really help with SEO and brand visibility? Any tips on making the most out of it?


Here's the typical find -> "May 15, 2024 — I tried HARO long time back but got no success."

Try SEMRUSH and others.

Huh??? Semrush isn't a replacement for HARO??

HARO works but it takes a LOT of manual work. Nowadays, it doesn't work as well as it used to because there's so much competition, so your pitches have to really stand out. It's good if you have the time but not the money.

commented: There's a semrusch article about link building. Should have written more. Sorry. +0

I’m sure there are hundreds of articles about link building on Semrush’s blog, since the product they sell is targeted towards link builders, and their blog is used to attract new customers. Can you give us the cliff notes from the article you read about Haro?

commented: The negative re Haro was as above. It's no magic bullet or easy. Many find it ineffective but hey, folk love to market, promote it. Get a free trial +0

HARO link building is a lot of work. I do not think that many people use this technique because you can get many links otherwise!

Many find it ineffective but hey, folk love to market, promote it. Get a free trial

No need for a free trial. HARO is completely free for link builders. It just takes a lot of manual work. It’s so popular because it’s one of the best ways to get such high quality links. Yes, you could acquire links for a lot less effort elsewhere. But the quality of HARO links is hard to find elsewhere.

Oh, snap! HARO has been discontinued.

Luckily there are alternatives/competitors, although I’m not sure if any of them have the same quality of publications as HARO did. On the other hand, a smaller mailing list means a lot less competition!! That means that, theoretically, it should be far easier with the others.

commented: HARO was getting rebranded as Connectively. But I haven't looked any further into that. +17

Just wanted to share my experience with HARO for link building. I've been using it for a few months now, and it’s been pretty awesome. Basically, you sign up as a source, and then you get daily emails with queries from journalists looking for expert quotes or insights. If you pitch them with good info and they use it, you get a backlink from their article.It definitely helps with SEO and brand visibility. I’ve scored links from some pretty big sites, and I've noticed a nice bump in my site's traffic and domain authority. My tips? Be quick to respond, keep your pitches short and relevant, and always provide real value. Also, follow up politely if you don’t hear back.

commented: Cos it's a stupid repost bot! -4

How have you been using it for a few months now if it doesn’t exist anymore?

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