Offshore software development -

I am a Business Development Executive representing Vinznet Technologies, a web development company in India.

Currently, we have presence in India, US and UK. We are also looking to expand our overseas business. For that I want to know how to get the list of Offshore consultants who outsource their works to India.

If you know any such consultants who outsource their work to India, or website where I can get the list of software outsourcing consultants, please let me know.


Instead of searching them let them find out you, for that obviously you need good SEO of your site and look for effective ad campaign.

I'm confused ... what is direct marketing? Sorry for my ignorance.

I'm confused ... what is direct marketing? Sorry for my ignorance.

Marketing a product or service through direct channels of communications that can be delivered directly to the individual prospective customers by making a judgement that certain product or service may be of interest to them. Few direct marketing methods are door to door marketing or direct face to face contact or through a channel by sending leaflets, brochures, letters, catalogs, direct mail or and contacting the prospective customers through telemarketing can be considered direct marketing.

Gotcha. Thank you for the marketing lesson.

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