hi just joined this forum. i have a dating web site. it rank 3 on goole ranking. everthing is good. got about 300 members. even the ranking is high but not getting enough visitors can somebody tell me whatis the problem.email me for the url. please help. visitor are 30 to 40 a day.

Hi Scooter. Welcome to DaniWeb! Starting a new website can be a daunting task, and getting traffic to your site isn't easy, as you're finding out. All that I can suggest is to begin by reading up on the threads in this forum, and get an idea for the techniques which we use to promote our sites. Feel free to ask any specific questions you may have.

Hello Scooter,

Dont think that once you have made the site the task is over you need to uoload it with new things everytime, so that traffic and google gets something new everytime it gets to your site and if you cant put in regular update of contents try for building links so that more people should get your site as result if they type in your keyword.
Hope this has given you a clear idea of how to get traffic.

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