I was reading over google's TOS and noticed this paragraph. Does this mean that any page that I place google ad's on, that they must be the only ad on the page? Are Commission Junction or Amazon ads okay? Since they are kind of a different concept than google?


Competitive Ads and Services
We do not permit Google ads or search boxes accessing Google search services to be published on web pages that also contain what could be considered competing ads or services. If you have elected to receive contextually-targeted Google ads, this would include all other contextually-targeted ads or links on the same page as Google ads. This would also include ads throughout the site that mimic Google ads or otherwise appear to be associated with Google on your site. Although you may sell ads directly on your site, it is your responsibility to ensure these ads do not mimic Google ads. If you have elected to receive Google search services, this would include other search services on the same site and non-Google query-targeted ads. We do allow affiliate or limited-text links.

Banners and such are considered safe, but I wouldn't use ads contain text that resemble Google's layout.

Thnaks, I was figuring it was okay, since I've seen many site mixing google ad's with other ad types.

If you use Google AdSense, you cannot put other contextual based ads on the same page. A contextual based ad is any type of ad - banner, text, etc - that dynamically spiders the page content and displays relevant advertising on-the-fly like AdSense does. In addition, you cannot put other ads that mimic Google AdSense on the same entire website as Google AdSense. For example, you cannot use Yahoo's contextual ad network and Google's contextual network (AdSense) on the same site, even if the ads aren't on the same pages.

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