I've been running my forum for over a year now and its still not as active as I would like. I'm putting a lot of effort into the forum (which is fine since its my hobby). But its hard to feel like I'm getting somewhere. I think what my forum needs is a bit of activity so when new members join, they stick around.
I see a lot of forum owners who have this problem so I figured there must be a way for us to help each other out. So what I propose is a 'Forum Squad' of say 6 forum owners who sign up to each others forums and create 1 thread and 5 posts or so a week in the other forums. They end up helping the other forum owners and in return the other forum owners post on there website.
Hey Presto - instant activity.
So I need 5 other forum owners who would like to have a go to PM me and I will keep you posted on how it goes. :D
Cheers Steve