Hi to everyone, I'm writing you from Italy, lando of poets and soccer-addicted navigators.

I'm looking forward to star-up a new football site, and I was wondering about a few questions which go out of my personal competences.

I wanted to ask you about CPM.
How comes the value of site's CPM?
How is it built? On what depends?
How can I increase it? It depends on the volume of traffic?

Is it convenient to buy traffic?

I know that probably are confused question, but I hope, with your help, to gradually "target" the problem and get a good answer to a still uncertain question..

Thanx to everybody!!

CPM (Cost per impression) and a marketing related to web traffic. This technique is applied to web banners, text link and e-mail spam. you may find a complete detail

It is not convenient to buy traffic or traffic exchange because it does not give organic or accurate result for the site.

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