40 Reusable Code Snippet Topics

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Member Avatar for vegaseat

Lots of good instrumental music out on the web in the form of midi files. You can incorporate background music as part of your web page. Here is the short code.

UI / UX Design html-css web-design
Member Avatar for Johannes_2
Member Avatar for JorgeM

When users interact with your web page and processes, it is important to provide them with continuous feedback. Without the feedback, a user is left wondering if you page is actually processing work, frozen, or just not working. This is especially true when incorporating Ajax requests that take more than …

Member Avatar for mattster

I was looking for something similar myself a few days ago, and found the odd example of a CSS based monopoly-type game board. To be honest, they were all shabby examples made with code that left my eyes bleeding. I decided to make my own board and get it right …

UI / UX Design web-design
Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for vegaseat

Here we use the eval() function as the backbone of a simple calculator. One table is used for the display. A second table holds the buttons for the keypad. The whole thing forms an attractive looking calculator. To test it, simply paste the code into an editor like notepad and …

UI / UX Design html-css web-design
Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for Hosmer23

A handy code that brings up a password window to keep others off of the web pages you choose.

UI / UX Design web-design
Member Avatar for dasabel100
Member Avatar for Dani

I am often asked how to create a tableless two column CSS layout so I thought I would just post it here for once and for all.

UI / UX Design html-css web-design
Member Avatar for MidiMagic
Member Avatar for XEN0
Member Avatar for XEN0
Member Avatar for <M/>

This is just a simple image fade. This is the HTML: <a href="#"><img src="#.png" class="fade"> Pretty simple, right?

UI / UX Design web-design
Member Avatar for <M/>
Member Avatar for Tko_1
Member Avatar for Tko_1
Member Avatar for Troy III

This code enables you to publish a CSS only with mouse click and keyboard tab image swap. Attached is a Demo example of how it would look on IE6. To ensure the greatest possible cross-browser compatibility/support this code uses CSS level 1 capabilities only. One of extra benefits is that …

UI / UX Design html-css image web-design
Member Avatar for pol.bala
Member Avatar for rajesanthu

[COLOR="Red"][B]SIMPLE HTML PROGRAM FOR BEGINNERS[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"][B]NB:Excuse me experts,,this is for beginners[/B][/COLOR] 1.Copy the file 2.paste it in a new notepad 3.save it with .html/.htm extension 4.chose file type as all type 5.after saving you will find an internet explorer symbol with the name that you'v given while saving,,double click it. …

UI / UX Design html-css web-design
Member Avatar for chriswelborn
Member Avatar for vegaseat

Use onMouseover to change the background color of your webpage. Can be applied to change other things like images and so on.

UI / UX Design html-css web-design
Member Avatar for TonyG_cyprus
Member Avatar for John malt

Great column! Just capital to let you apperceive you accept a new subscriber- me!

UI / UX Design ui-ux web-design
Member Avatar for happygeek
Member Avatar for NardCake

Not exactly like googles of course but it looks nice and will get the job done. So first thing of course is the standard HTML document layout. In the header I placed script and style tags since it's a simple project. It is generally good practice to link to other …

UI / UX Design web-design
Member Avatar for NardCake
Member Avatar for helloadam

Have you ever wanted a link to go to the bottom of the same page? Well in this snippet you see how.. 1) On the top where is says [quote]<p><a href="#C4">See also Chapter 4.</a></p>[/quote] is a link going to Chatpter 4 at the bottom of the page if you look …

UI / UX Design web-design
Member Avatar for BuckOneArm
Member Avatar for JustinsAngel25
Member Avatar for audrey110
Member Avatar for Philippe.Lahaie

We have all been there, you have a centered site and some pages have enough content to fill the screen while some don't. So when you move back and forth between one that does and one that doesn't you see a small jump happen. Here is a small css fix …

UI / UX Design html-css web-design
Member Avatar for Philippe.Lahaie
Member Avatar for Q8iEnG

Dear all, I got a problem with the header in a website that I was working on, now it is nearly published but after I had tested it over several browsers I got a problem with firefox. Check out the header how does it look like: [url]http://www.birthkuwait.com[/url] I'm using Blogger. …

UI / UX Design web-design
Member Avatar for Q8iEnG
Member Avatar for essential

You are free to use and modify my layout in any purpose, and I hope you find this useful! Enjoy...

UI / UX Design web-design
Member Avatar for rotten69
Member Avatar for tefflox

View the innovative works in action at [URL="http://listenlight.net/13/"][B]http://listenlight.net/13/[/B][/URL]. Or by way of [B][URL="http://digg.com/programming/The_Listenlight_Text_Engine"]http://digg.com/programming/The_Listenlight_Text_Engine[/URL][/B], you may obtain the source under the very liberal MIT License. Cheers -- Jess

UI / UX Design web-design
Member Avatar for KazmiLahore
Member Avatar for Hosmer23

Put your very own Google search bar on your web page.

UI / UX Design web-design
Member Avatar for ramisgill
Member Avatar for .:.wolvie.:.

This snippet tells easily how to make a drop down menu! Easy as pie and quick too!

UI / UX Design web-design
Member Avatar for jangirke
Member Avatar for ApocDen

This is a falling snow snippet Its very light grey its really meant for like dark backgrounds for best effect but its ok on white. its a slightly grey snow Just place the code in between tags and it should work Its too complicated to edit color unless you have …

UI / UX Design html-css web-design
Member Avatar for softwareforpc
Member Avatar for stevenpetersen

Include content from one page to another with HTML Code. On the page that you want to put content on just insert <!--#include virtual="YourURL"--> <html> <body> <!--#include virtual="YOUR URL" --> </body> </html>

UI / UX Design html-css web-design
Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for Eddie Traversa

You can use this code to embed the windows media player in html pages. Just set the controls to suit and change file names etc..

UI / UX Design web-design
Member Avatar for almostbob
Member Avatar for miguel1810

Hi, I'm trying to work out how I can change my back ground image when the user clicks the home link - or refreshes the page... I'd love my background image to change from the current static background image... is this HTML or JAVA ?? Can anyone advise ? Thanks …

UI / UX Design web-design
Member Avatar for roryt

This piece of css will show you that it is perfectly possibly to create a good looking navigation bar without any images or javascript and just a couple of lines of css. All you need to do is create a html file that contains a unordered list in it with …

UI / UX Design html-css web-design
Member Avatar for ko ko
Member Avatar for essential

A two columned fixed layout with vertical navigation sample. Now all it needs is your great imagination. Hope you find this useful, and help you all the way in your web activities. Enjoy...

UI / UX Design web-design
Member Avatar for toraj58

Although most people speak of HTML code, the fact is that if you write good HTML code, you’re actually writing XHTML. XHTML is a set of rules that, if you follow them when you write HTML code, result in code that is more standards-compliant, and hence more likely to render …

UI / UX Design html-css web-design
Member Avatar for sagorcse
Member Avatar for scrypt3r
Member Avatar for nav33n

The End.