I'm a newbie so if I'm posting this in the wrong place, please forgive me. I created a couple of interactive maps using Visio (not sure what version) and saved them as HTML to post on our portal. I was recently given a new laptop with Visio 2007 and have realized that it is an upgrade from what I was using previously and that Custom Properties is now something like Shape Data. In the old version each image had a unique identifier called a Shape Name. I copied and pasted many of the images and edited them in the new Visio 2007 only to find out that I couldn't change the unique identifier any longer! Now I have images appearing with names they shouldn't have. How can I change a Shape Name in the new Visio 2007?

Hey Hollyjean,

Don't worry, your problem is easily solved! And something did change with Visio 2007!

To access the dialog where you can see and edit a shape's name, you use the Special dialog, located under the Format > Special menus.

In Visio 2007, this menu has been hidden unless you are running in Developer Mode. This sounds ominous, but it's just a matter of a simple check box:

Go to Tools > Options. On the Advanced tab, notice the check box up at the top named Run in Developer Mode. Simply check this item and the Special dialog will be accessible!

If you're doing web-site layout with Visio, you might be interested in a few other articles on my Visio Guy web-site:

Pixel Unit Dimension Line Shape
Lorem Ipsum – Visio IA Text Placeholder Shape

Visio Guy

I'm a newbie so if I'm posting this in the wrong place, please forgive me. I created a couple of interactive maps using Visio (not sure what version) and saved them as HTML to post on our portal. I was recently given a new laptop with Visio 2007 and have realized that it is an upgrade from what I was using previously and that Custom Properties is now something like Shape Data. In the old version each image had a unique identifier called a Shape Name. I copied and pasted many of the images and edited them in the new Visio 2007 only to find out that I couldn't change the unique identifier any longer! Now I have images appearing with names they shouldn't have. How can I change a Shape Name in the new Visio 2007?

Thank you VisioGuy! That worked!! :)

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