Hello guys i'm interested in learning web design so i can offer freelances services.Is the best way to learn by yourself or attend a school for web design and are there any websites that teach you web design free ?
coykiesaol 0 Light Poster
zuchri 0 Newbie Poster
minimogul 1 Light Poster


holidaygermany 0 Newbie Poster
demosol 0 Newbie Poster
dkwired.com 0 Newbie Poster
mauconline 0 Junior Poster
agrable 0 Newbie Poster
Computerkev 0 Light Poster
FutureWebDev commented: Be constructive. And the OP is banned. Why reply? +0
nickywilliam -1 Newbie Poster
johnmack 0 Newbie Poster
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