
Well i was trying to edit the support ticket template of whmcs and there is the following code

{foreach key=num item=reply from=$replies}

<tr class="supportticketsheading"><td width="160" rowspan="2" valign="top">{$reply.user}</td><td>{$LANG.supportticketsposted}: {$reply.date}</td>
<tr class="supportticketscontent"><td valign="top">{$reply.message}{if $reply.attachment}<br /><br /><img src="images/support/folder.gif" align="middle" alt="" /> <i>{$LANG.supportticketsticketattachment}: <a href="{$reply.attachmentlink}">{$reply.attachment}</a></i>{/if}</td></tr>


and what i want to do is that the customer reply should be one colour and the staff another colour but the problem is that the replies are taken using the foreach loop therefore if i change the colour of it then all the staff and customer replies will change to that colour

Is there any way i can make them both different colours?

Thanks a lot in advance for all the help :D

create css class and implemented in between staff and user,it will be easily done

Hi, thx a lot but can you please give me an example of the code for both the css and tpl(main) file

thx in advance

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