
I would like to know how to activate the controls automatically on the right bar so it activates auto when page is loaded everytime. I know there are .js out there but i tried to make it work but it doesnt work.


As found on JW website Embedding Flash

The code listed above uses only a couple of the available parameters. A complete list of them can be found at Adobe's website, but let's show the most interesting ones here:

  1. bgcolor (#rrggbb): set the SWF background color using a hexadecimal value.
  2. flashvars (variables): the variables placed here will be loaded in the SWF.
  3. menu (true, false): set this to false to hide most of the rightclick menu.
  4. wmode (opaque, transparent, window): set this to either transparent or opaque to fix z-index or flickering issues.

I want to use the menus too and the players only support .flv that is for swf

It is already embedded just need a script to auto activate it.

Thanks for reply.

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