Hi. Sorry if this is in the wrong section...

I'll give a link to my website at the end to give u a vissual idea of what my problem is.

When you mouse over images on my main page a movie appears, i'm wanting the movie to also be a button to take you to another page, now am sure the movie has that option as when you mouse over you get the pointer change to a hand.

I am a complete flash noob and am lucky to have achieved what i have but has anyone got any idea of how to do this?

i have even created a seperate button (invisible) to go over the top of the movie but it still don't work.

I,ve also put coding into the movie (goto etc) but that stops the movie working properly and don't work either.

please look at my site to understand what the movie is and maybe you might have an idea as to what i must do: www.moth-studios.com

Any one please??

When I check the page with Firefox I see animation of elements apearing on the screen lady, flowers, some buttons and few images. Buttons have internal fuctionality. Most of the images when I roll-over display some sort of mask with sparkles apearing around. Only images in online shop have anchor to other static content on the site. This is what I got from observation. Now to your questions...

>When you mouse over images on my main page a movie appears
What images? Cloths?

>i'm wanting the movie to also be a button to take you to another page
You want to link up with static (html document) or dynamic page(another flash creation)?

>I,ve also put coding into the movie (goto etc) but that stops the movie working properly and don't work either.
What exactly did you do and what sort of problems did it create?

ok tnx for reply, its much apreciated. Before i try to explain what i've tried i'll explain what i'm trying to achieve.
On the main page you see two coloured images at the top. when you mouse over them you see mies clips (symbols) of a transparent box with sparkles as you said.
i want to be able to still have that and to still be able to click to a fresh html page but cant get the two to coinside with each other.

When you mouse over images on my main page a movie appears

What images? Cloths?

Ok the top two images in colour, when u mouse over them a transparent box opens with sparkles. i looked in my flash program (macromedia flash8) and it is a symbol (movie clip)
i can have static images link to an html page IE:

on (release) {
    getURL("dreamgirl main.htm", "_blank", "POST");

You want to link up with static (html document) or dynamic page(another flash creation)?

Html for sure, and as i said i have achieved this with static images (buttons) but because i like the look of the mouse over movie have tried to do it via them, IE: mouse over one of the top coloured images and see transparent movie with sparkles as normal and to then be able to click and go to fresh page.

I've also put coding into the movie (goto etc) but that stops the movie working properly and don't work either.

What exactly did you do and what sort of problems did it create?

i layed the movie clips over the images as was when i got the template, when i put for example:

on (release) {
    getURL("dreamgirl main.htm", "_blank", "POST");

into the movie clip it stops the movie working properly and still doesn't take you to a fresh page..

i hope this makes sense..

many regards rob

mmm not sure what software version it is, the only info i have is: Macromedia Flash 8

Note that stacking stuff on top of each other is not yet perfected.

Part of the problem is that some movie players automatically put themselves on top of everything else when they are running. This hides the button if you try to put it on top of the movie.

Can you put the player inside the anchor tags, instead of trying to stack a button on top of a player?

Part of the problem is that some movie players automatically put themselves on top of everything else when they are running. This hides the button if you try to put it on top of the movie.

Can you put the player inside the anchor tags, instead of trying to stack a button on top of a player?

I tried altering the layer possitions but this put the movie under the button, as for anchoring i think thats another can of worms for me too open, i've come to the conclussion at the mo that its best to do away with the movie clips as i needed to get this site working.

i'll see how i feel about it when its all done, but thanks for any imput recieved its nuch apreaciated.

Maybe I'm completely missing what you have done, but why not make a button object with a movie clip in the up state. You have your on mouse over play the movie and at the same time it is already a button that can be clickable.

Maybe I'm completely missing what you have done, but why not make a button object with a movie clip in the up state. You have your on mouse over play the movie and at the same time it is already a button that can be clickable.

Yea, thats sounds like it might be the answer.
the movie clip came with the template so i guess i can do something with that, would i have to create a new layer and have that as the button part? I did try that before and it didnt work.
Am a complete noob with flash, if you could give me the correct wording i'd search for a tutorial.

many regards rob

You would start by having the movie clip symbol that contains the movie you want to play on the mouse over. Movie clip symbols have an independent timeline of the main movie so it can start and stop whenever without affecting your main flash object. You will then also make a button symbol and in the up state you put a graphic of whatever the button looks like. In the over state you will drag the movie clip symbol from the library to the stage. Depending on what you want to happen on the down ( have the movie continue to play or change to another graphic) you will do various things.
The action script for the button symbol will be on release go to whatever webpage.

I hope it works for you. Good luck.

BRILL::::: tnx so much. i'll try it out.

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