When I view my text links in dreamweaver they are the right color, but when I view it any browser the text links turn blue.

Can someone help me?

Please post your code so people may have look at it and can say to you what is wrong...

You need to change your css so the links are no longer blue, have you done that? the link that people see before they click on it for instance if you want it to be silver would be

<style type="text/css">
a:link {color#cccccc;}
v:link {color#f2f2f2;}

that will make your active link the one people see before visited silver and after visited it should be a off white. I hope that helps! If it does please add to my rep.


i think you are using with style sheet
when href link turned to blue colors you must create style sheets with a:link, a:hover, a:active and a:visited with what you are using style sheet for that link

for example you are used style sheet like below

.mainsheet {

then you are create another style sheet with same name

.mainsheet a:link, .mainsheet a:active, .mainsheet a:hover, .mainsheet a:visited {

now in browser also same colors displayed

There is a BIG problem with making links anything other than standard colors: accessibility.

There are settings in browsers that disable the ability to change link colors on web pages. So some people get cute with the links, and the link disappears entirely on a browser with link color disabled, because it matches the background.

Don't change the link colors.

>There are settings in browsers that disable the ability to change link
>colors on web pages. So some people get cute with the links, and
>the link disappears entirely on a browser with link color disabled,
>because it matches the background.
That made absolutely no sense at all. If the browser doesn't allow you to change the color of the links, what makes you think that trying to change it will in fact, change it? :icon_rolleyes:

Not to mention that the very site you're posting on uses custom link colors (and most modern sites these days, if you bother to take a look at the CSS), I'd say that your last point is worth a little less than garbage.

>There are settings in browsers that disable the ability to change link
>colors on web pages. So some people get cute with the links, and
>the link disappears entirely on a browser with link color disabled,
>because it matches the background.

That made absolutely no sense at all. If the browser doesn't allow you to change the color of the links, what makes you think that trying to change it will in fact, change it? :icon_rolleyes:

Not to mention that the very site you're posting on uses custom link colors (and most modern sites these days, if you bother to take a look at the CSS), I'd say that your last point is worth a little less than garbage.


There are accessibility settings in many popular browsers that disable the changing of link colors as an aid to the handicapped.

Changing the link colors usually doesn't cause trouble, but if the site has the background color set to blue, and the link color set to white, the link totally disappears on a browser with the link colors disabled. So the handicapped person using the site can't see the links.

I found this out the hard way, when I put white links on a rainbow-colored background. I got an email complaining that the user could not see some of the links.

Another case is where the link color chosen is not displayable on a screen with a small number of colors set for the screen resolution (for a larger resolution on an older video card with limited RAM). The color the browser chooses as a close match could match the background color.

Changing the link colors usually doesn't cause trouble, but if the site has the background color set to blue, and the link color set to white, the link totally disappears on a browser with the link colors disabled. So the handicapped person using the site can't see the links.

...you're joking, right? Ignoring the aesthetically unpleasant look that would bring to your website, not changing the link colors does exactly what? Right. You'd have to change your background color one way or another.

I found this out the hard way, when I put white links on a rainbow-colored background. I got an email complaining that the user could not see some of the links.

No comment. :icon_rolleyes:

Changing the link colors usually doesn't cause trouble, but if the site has the background color set to blue, and the link color set to white, the link totally disappears on a browser with the link colors disabled. So the handicapped person using the site can't see the links.

If they are not overriding the background color when they override the link color, it's their own fault they have problems.

There is a BIG problem with making links anything other than standard colors: accessibility.

There are settings in browsers that disable the ability to change link colors on web pages. So some people get cute with the links, and the link disappears entirely on a browser with link color disabled, because it matches the background.

Don't change the link colors.

who disables link colors? i've never heard of this. I've never even seen an option like that in any brower.

i don't think you need to worry about the 0.000002 % of users that have link colors disabled.

That depends on whether the browser allows overriding the background color. I know that one that didn't existed.

And some sites use a background image instead of a background color, and it messes up if the link color is overridden.

The main point is to realize that such overrides exist, and design with the possibility that either or both the text and the background color can be overridden. Accessibility is a valid issue.

...you're joking, right? Ignoring the aesthetically unpleasant look that would bring to your website, not changing the link colors does exactly what? Right. You'd have to change your background color one way or another.

The site owner was trying to emulate the look of the old WordPerfect screen. It was white text on a blue background.

Who made you the aesthetics cop?

I am sick of websites with a curved logo image in the upper left hand corner.

My rainbow-colored page was about color mixing. The idea was to click on the color you wanted to mix. I had to change it so there was a small text box inside each color patch, with a gray background and blue text.

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