I have been offered a job by one of my teachers about web development . He asked me to get my grips on macromedia flash , html etcetra and then inform him . My work will be to design webpages for small businesses . The problem is , i only know html hand-coding and have'nt been in touch for months . Should I also get a book on macromedia flash fx/mx ...as I'm not experienced in macromedia , I need to know the appripriate use of the macromedia softwares such as macrmedia flash , macromedia authorware etcetra . Thank u .

You'll want to become familiar with Macromedia Fireworks MX 2004, Dream Weaver MX 2004, Flash MX 2004, and Contribute if possible. You can buy them as a package...

okay . My one is called as macromedia mx studio 2004 .It has got macromedia flash mx 2004 , macromedia dreamweaver mx 2004 , macromedia director mx , macromedia coldfusion mx , macromedia fireworks mx and macromedia authorware 6.5 full . Which one of them do i need for building websites ?

There are tutorials in the form of movies on the macromedia website, also fireworks has a tutorial or two that comes with it.

If your looking for some cool tutorials in Flash, i suggest you look at www.cartoonsmart.com
I knew nothing about flash until i visited this site!!


Thanks, GR I'll check that out as well.

okay . My one is called as macromedia mx studio 2004 .It has got macromedia flash mx 2004 , macromedia dreamweaver mx 2004 , macromedia director mx , macromedia coldfusion mx , macromedia fireworks mx and macromedia authorware 6.5 full . Which one of them do i need for building websites ?

You will use all of them but Dream Weaver is the program you will upload your site through. It is also the program that will do all the CSS, HTML, etc code for you.

Go and explore at http://flashkit.com You will find tons of tutorials on flash.

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