I am a newbie to web design and just completed my first with Dreamweaver CS3. Used a tutorial I found on the web and all went great... Created new site, built page, uploaded... looked easy. Have since built the pages I want (only 7-8 pages), tried to put on the site and still getting the original from the tutorial.

I created new site again, then saved my completed home page to the new root file linked to the new site. Tried to put live on the web and once again only getting the original tutorial page.

Any suggestions. I have (in frustration) created a number of new sites in the site manager hoping that I would be "starting clean". I even created a new site, then a new page with only 1 change to the original sample page and I still get the tutorial product after I attempt to 'put' the page online.

Thanks in advance for any help out there.

Are you using the same file names(just overwriting the existing files in the directory)? If so after you upload it, try to hit refresh on your browser. It is possible the page is cached. I've experienced that with Firefox when I upload my new pages sometimes. Refresh bring in the modified content.

I have (in frustration) created a number of new sites in the site manager hoping that I would be "starting clean". I even created a new site, then a new page with only 1 change to the original sample page and I still get the tutorial product after I attempt to 'put' the page online.

Are this new sites only local sites or you made changes to your web server and created there new directories? Just to clarify what you doing...

Thank you for the reply,

I did try your suggestion without success.

Thank you for the reply,

I did try your suggestion without success.

What suggestion?

There are just too many unknown variables here. Can you try to clarify with some screenshots of things like your FTP information and maybe links to the pages?

There are just too many unknown variables here. Can you try to clarify with some screenshots of things like your FTP information and maybe links to the pages?

There is no need for FTP info

  1. It is private information
  2. He is able to able to upload files they just don't seems to work

When you log into your webspace what is the folder structure like htdocs, logs, errors perhaps cgi-bin? And where in this folder structure you uploaded your files?

Are you changing the file permissions on the server, so the user has permission to have the file?

I am a newbie to web design and just completed my first with Dreamweaver CS3. Used a tutorial I found on the web and all went great... Created new site, built page, uploaded... looked easy. Have since built the pages I want (only 7-8 pages), tried to put on the site and still getting the original from the tutorial.

I created new site again, then saved my completed home page to the new root file linked to the new site. Tried to put live on the web and once again only getting the original tutorial page.

Any suggestions. I have (in frustration) created a number of new sites in the site manager hoping that I would be "starting clean". I even created a new site, then a new page with only 1 change to the original sample page and I still get the tutorial product after I attempt to 'put' the page online.

Thanks in advance for any help out there.

My suggestion is: You drop your Dreamwaver CS3 completely. For this simple solution:

A. Locate your working folder with finished files you created for your update and open it.
!important: your index.(htm;php; etc) file should be visible in this opened folder.

B. Open IExporer (any version you might have).B.1 Navigate to your site on Iternet (http://www.yoursite.com).
B.2 Change the address into: ftp://www.yoursite.com - hit Enter. (you will see at least one folder)B.3a Right-click anywhere else and chose "Login As..."
B.3b In Login fields: type your user name and pasword of your domain.
B.3c Click "Login" button. If your user name and pass., are correct other folders and files will become accessible to you.B.4 See for public_HTML folder and open it.

B. Alt-Tab to your Located folder in Step A; Select and copy all existing files and folders there.

C. Alt-Tab to Explorer window. Paste your copy of the step B. Confirm any file replacement.

D. You're Done.

Navigate to your website in another browser window/tab and meet your new content.


Ouch IE, I thought they forbid the use of this nasty...

Problem A) Creating new site in Dreamweaver may be related to creating new folder structure for each separate project on local pc (it is not clear from original post what thawk1 meant by that)

Problem B) "See for public_HTML folder" this may not exist on the server due the server not being Apache (Tomcat and IIS use different structure) or may be replaced by something else which admin thought to be appropriate (for nearly 2 years freedom 2 surf internet service provider in UK used different folder structure, just before me moving to different ISP they been changing that)

It would be really nice if thawk1 come back and explained all dark are that come out of his post

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