I have an asp.net application that ties into a private financial website. I use an iframe command to open up the private financial website. This hides the websites url in the address bar above, however, when the website is loading, I have a "waiting for website...." in the bottom status bar.

Does anyone know of a way to mask or hide this message from showing, or to spoof a different address in the status bar so that the user isn't able to bypass my website and simply go to the hidden website?

Any asssistance would be greatly appreciated.


The only thing I can think of is if your financial site has some type of java applet or ticker instead of using iframe

Hiding urls is usually a sign of criminal activity or malware threats.

The web is supposed to be public, not private.

Hiding urls is usually a sign of criminal activity or malware threats.

The web is supposed to be public, not private.

I did not intend for your message to be private. As for your response, you clearly don't grasp the fact that there are hundreds of different reasons why someone would want to hide a url, apart from criminal activity or malware. I am involved in neither.

The web is supposed to be helpful, not insulting.

Hiding urls is usually a sign of criminal activity or malware threats.

The web is supposed to be public, not private.

You fail to understand that there are innumerable reasons that one may want to hide a url, apart from criminal activity or malware. I am involved in neither.

The web is supposed to be helpful, not insulting.

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