I cannot set width of table in dream weaver correctly.

Please help me.
Look at www.balasethulegal.com


What is incorrect about it? It looks ok to me

No. I can't clearly view it in Internet explorer.


Should i upload whole site?

I was looking at it in firefox, where it is fine. Since you are using dreamweaver (which I don't use), and I think you will probably want to keep using it, look for settings about browser compatibility. I suspect dreamweaver is creating html for firefox and perhaps ignoring ie.

If you want a coding solution I will look at your code.

I am posting my code. Don't misuse the code (This is for everyone viewing this thread.).

Bala & Sethu.zip

I see you have set height / width on some of those cells. Try getting rid of them and let the table auto-size. I edited your site using IE Developer Tool and it seemed to do the trick.

Then why didn't you post it.

Or else e-mail to aneesh.nl [at] gmail [dot] com

All you have to do is get rid of the height / width attributes from the table cells. I didn't post it because I did it through the developer tool...

I will try it.

Sorry I can't.

Clearing doesn't work

Try this file, I did what I said and it worked fine for me...

It works on all other browsers fine. except the explorer.

Sorry I can't.

Clearing doesn't work

The Fourth Row in your Table has three columns:
News, Welcome to Unique... and Publications.

The width of these three columns is : 264+371+297 = 932 px.

The width of the whole table cannot be reduced than 932px.
I had removed that particular row (the 4th row) from your table, and I am able to drag and resize the table (of course you have to consider the width of redifining.jpg also).
Hope it helps.


Sorry I can't.

Clearing doesn't work

The width of these three columns is : 264+371+297 = 932 px.

The width of the whole table cannot be reduced than 932px.

Please clear the width of the columns (the <TD> tags) of this row AND the width of the <P> tags inside this row.

All the Best

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