I've encountered this problem with older versions of Dreamweaver, and for the most part I was able to fix it. But in all my wisdom, I forgot to make a note of what it was I did to fix it :(

In layout mode, I am attempting to change the dimentions of a particular Layout cell. Unfortunately, Dreamweaver won't let me make the height of the cell any smaller than 19. I need the cell to have a height of 6. I've tried fiddling with the page properties and such but nothing seems to work.

I appreciate any advice...

[[[anyone ever notice how when you start putting a bunch of layout cells together, how Dreamweaver automatically resizes the page and screws-up the page size beyond all recognition? WTF?]]]

cant you change the height in the cell properties below just by entering the number in the height space. Or is that your problem. You should just try reinstalling it or seeing if there are any updates for dreamweaver. I would ask someone at macromedia.

(there is no dreamweaver pro just flash mx pro)


The trick I use is to create a 1 X 1 pixel transparent gif and place it in the cell. Then I set the height of the gif to whatever size I want and set the height of the cell to match.

DreamWeaver will usually then adjust the cell to fit.

I have also noticed that you have to sometimes click outside the table that you are working on to get DW to make the change.

Let me know if this helps.

The trick I use is to create a 1 X 1 pixel transparent gif and place it in the cell. Then I set the height of the gif to whatever size I want and set the height of the cell to match.

DreamWeaver will usually then adjust the cell to fit.

I have also noticed that you have to sometimes click outside the table that you are working on to get DW to make the change.

Let me know if this helps.

That sounds like you either need to update your DWMX2k4 or you need to fully uninstall it, reboot and reinstall it again. That will most definantly help and if it dosent, then you might have worm somewhere in your system. I know I had a worm not too long ago. Some vb Worm or hwatever...anyways, yea, that will help im sure. Anything else i know for a fact that if this usually worked for you in the past using your methods then all of a sudden stopped, then you should reinstall it.

Maybe I misunderstood the issue. Is it physically not letting you change the value in the cell? I.E. you put in a value of 10, and it defaults back to 19 (or whatever)?

Maybe I misunderstood the issue. Is it physically not letting you change the value in the cell? I.E. you put in a value of 10, and it defaults back to 19 (or whatever)?

No, it sould let you is what it should do. At least on the Coders Veiw part of it. and designer as well.

Yeah; The layout cell is empty and If I use the mouse or type in the value wherever, it'll reset it back to 19. But I'll try making a single pixel and resizing it that way. Thanks. I'll let [you] know how it goes.

Ok, sounds like a plan. No Problem.

God I HATE Dreamweaer...The pixel thing worked fairly well. A couple of times I had to combine a bunch of them together because Dreamweaver decided that it didn't matter what I said and went and "conveiniently" resized everything; destroying hours of painful, tedious image resizing and such.

In light of the quite literal 'Hell' that was had while working [last night], I've decided that the stress that comes with working past 11:00pm far out-weighs any extra pay that might be earned.

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