would anyone be able to inform me of the average pay of a web designer/developer ?

Thankyou in advance

yeh it just brings up jobs in my area
not their pay.

Any more ideas?

check out dice.com, they are supposed to get 100k a year I think but that is considered good, now, of course you can make more! (duh)

My area is so oversaturated that nobody is hiring them.

> yeh it just brings up jobs in my area
> not their pay.
Rubbish, you just didn't try hard enough.

First one I drilled into
24,000.00 - 25,000.00 GBP per year,
Full Time, Permanent

Get a clue next time.

Hi Designer_101,
First tell me why are you asking this question? Are you designer? If yes how much you get?

No, i'm not a designer.
Infact i'm 15 taking my GCSE's. However over the past 4 years i've been studying HTML. I'm planing to take ICT/Web design into university. Thats why i was a bit curious, i love creating/coding websites however i do want a well payed job.

And salem theres no need to be rude about anything, i found the data you quoted. However theres are only a few like it.
25,000 PA
32,500 PA
59,000 - 65,000 PA.

If you read correctly, i want an average. These figures are very different and i'm certain it wouldnt give me a precise result.

If there are any designers on here, which im very sure there are :D
I would ask them to post pow much they earn. That way i can be confident about the figures.

Thanks :)

No, i'm not a designer.
Infact i'm 15 taking my GCSE's. However over the past 4 years i've been studying HTML. I'm planing to take ICT/Web design into university. Thats why i was a bit curious, i love creating/coding websites however i do want a well payed job.

And salem theres no need to be rude about anything, i found the data you quoted. However theres are only a few like it.
25,000 PA
32,500 PA
59,000 - 65,000 PA.

If you read correctly, i want an average. These figures are very different and i'm certain it wouldnt give me a precise result.

If there are any designers on here, which im very sure there are :D
I would ask them to post pow much they earn. That way i can be confident about the figures.

Thanks :)

Just like any job it will depend on you skill level, portfolio, qualifications, location and experience (How much YOU as an individual are worth to the market). Chances are with a degree and sound knoweledge of html css + js you'll walk into a 20k job and work your way up (though learning new skills, growing into management/team leader roles) to a potentially unlmited salary ceiling - with the right attitude and motivation.

Or you could use your skills to create a company that gets bought out in its first year for multi-millions. (I'm still waiting on that one!)

So for an average - good luck finding a precise figure. It is a good career though and if you are smart and know your stuff there is the potential to make a lot of money. If you really must have a precise figure then the average salary of "an IT worker" is meant to be 37k. You will start on less but could end up on more obviously.

Before you dismiss most of my post as old man bullshit I'd like to point out that I am only a few years older than yourself!

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