Hello all,

I've recently created a new website: http://www.naruto-fanbase.com and I've made it multi-lingual (12 languages in total), but I was wondering how I would go about submitting the website into each foreign search engine. Any help will be very appreciated.

Just in case you need to know:

The default language is English, and each of the additional languages can be accessed with adding a query string:

?language=de etc. (I'm sure you get the point :) )

I know that most of the coding for the website is alot of <div>'s but I plan to improve the coding in the future :)

If anyone knows of any beneficial SEO tools/coding that I can use to help attract more visitors - that would also be VERY appreciated.

Thanks very much for your time,

In Google Webmaster tools
that you have subscribed to? havent you
has a bunch of helpscreens including one on localization strings to tell the bots where what to look at
Yahoo bots use the same strings

Hey, thanks for the reply :)

Yeah, I'm subscribed to Google Webmaster Tools, I hadn't noticed the localised strings feature, I'm gonna go and check it out.. thanks again mate.


<meta name="keywords" lang="EN" content="for, rent, lease, dog friendly, apartment, apartments, rent, lease, rent to own">
<meta name="keywords" lang="EN" content="rental, for rent, Amherst, Truro, dog, friendly, lease to own">
<meta name="keywords" lang="EN" content="Nova Scotia, nova, scotia, FAQ, Insurance">
<meta name="keywords" lang="EN" content="Tenant Guide, fun, frequently asked questions">
<meta name="keywords" lang="FR" content="chien, appartement, appartements, loyer, bail">
<meta name="keywords" lang="FR" content="location, pour le loyer, Amherst, Truro">
<meta name="keywords" lang="FR" content="la Nouvelle-Ecosse, FAQ, assurance, guide de locataire">
<meta name="keywords" lang="FR" content="amusement,questions frequemment posees">

the webmaster blogs say the support for the language is 'not complete' but we are getting hits from Quebec and Saint-Pierre & Miquelon
that we did not get without the FR tags

Check out a forum blaster or a website url submitter i offer a great one at www.semoweb.com/software.html

Hello all,

I've recently created a new website: http://www.naruto-fanbase.com and I've made it multi-lingual (12 languages in total), but I was wondering how I would go about submitting the website into each foreign search engine. Any help will be very appreciated.

Just in case you need to know:

The default language is English, and each of the additional languages can be accessed with adding a query string:

?language=de etc. (I'm sure you get the point :) )

I know that most of the coding for the website is alot of <div>'s but I plan to improve the coding in the future :)

If anyone knows of any beneficial SEO tools/coding that I can use to help attract more visitors - that would also be VERY appreciated.

Thanks very much for your time,

From my experience, you do pretty much the same thing as you do for English site; just make sure that you have Meta tags for each language with quality key words in each language. Major search engines are used all over the world.

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