hello every one
i want to know how i make amazing background like www.elissalovers.net
in photoshop and how
or in flash
please help

why there is no answer
it is my first post !
i expect more cooperation

commented: always TRY yourself +0
commented: No one here is paid to help you. If people want to help, they will, if they don't then too bad for you. Get over it. +0
commented: Rude and impatient. Try and investigate your own answers and ASK for suggestions. We do not act that way here. +0

gradient fill
gradient background

its a 1px high, very wide image repeated in Y direction
1000s availble for download at 'webmaster tools' sites

read the css guides on how to repeat backgrounds

try it
if it works Done, yourself
If it doesnt work post the code that didnt and then someone will point you at the cause
nobody is here to do it FOR you
and even less will answer if you behave like an **expletive deleted**

commented: Good response! +2
commented: I agree almostbob. +3

you could also make a full scale symmetrical image then take a slice out of it to repeat on the y. You can download many of these types of backgrounds for free and save yourself the trouble. You can also reveal a lot about how it is done by just viewing the background image.


try it
if it works Done, yourself
If it doesnt work post the code that didnt and then someone will point you at the cause
nobody is here to do it FOR you
and even less will answer if you behave like an **expletive deleted**

First of all thank u for trying to help

second : the main goal of forums to give tutorials and explain
so i did not find any thing wrong if some one could do something
to help me

third: i didnot ask to do work for me even if it is not wrong
i just need someone show me the beginning
so i did not behave like expletive deleted

thank u
i will try ur suggestion and come back

commented: This is a forum, not a tutorial center. Stop behaving like a 3rd grader. -2

Your second post, with the stamped feet held breath & demand for cooperation, is the behaviour of a ...
the third post in complete denial of your first post is further example of ...

i want to know how i make amazing background like www.elissalovers.net
in photoshop and how
or in flash

utter ...

How not to win friends or influence people
calm it down, look for yourself first, then ask politely.
you dont have the right to expect anything of any other person


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