Hi, I'm a fairly good Java programmer, but I have basically no web development experience. I'm posting in the html forum because I know it is the most basic, but I'm sure there are other necessary tools to accomplish this task, please let me know what they are.
I want to create a website that will have the following features (these should be fairly simple?):
-One section where the site admin can post pictures. Anyone visiting the site should be able to view these pictures in two formats: "Fullscreen" where the image fills the entire screen, and "next" and "back" can be clicked to go to other fullscreen pictures, and "icon" where all the images are shown (or a good amount per page are shown) as smaller versions of themselves.
-One section where the admin can post articles. Site visitors should be able to flip from one article to the next, and view a listing of article topics and choose an article from there.