Hey Guys

I am facing a major issue in IE7.. One of my website pages is flickering when i am navigating through the links of the website.


Its a really strange effect as its not happening in another webiste designed on same line..


any ideas why this could be happening and any possible solutions ??

Need that badly..!!!

Google "IE7 flicker" and you'll find many similar reports.

A solution is offered here but it's something each user must do for themsleves. Search a bit harder and you might find a solution you can apply to your web pages to make them immune from the effect.

Hopefully MS is addressing the issue.

Not very promising I'm afraid. Maybe someone else knows more.


Just a thought - I wonder if MS have tried fixing their old "peekaboo" bug and introduced a flicker bug in its place.

Try giving all your menu items a CSS style of position:relative and see if that cures it.


I did searched using the "Ie 7 Flicker" and some results came out .. None of them completely relative as there were mostly about menu flickering..

But i did found out a solution from those results .. The problem is resolved just by adding this to lines in the head of the page..

<meta http-equiv="Page-Enter" content="revealtrans(duration=0.0)" />
<meta http-equiv="Page-Exit" content="revealtrans(duration=0.0)" />

Thanks for the help mate... It was truly useful... Keep up the great work..

Wow Metas! They crop up in the strangest of circumstances.

Well done. I will remember the answer for my own sites. Bound to need it one day, so thank you too.


dear fnds

I am facing a major problem inintenet explore 7 version.. One of my website pages is flickering when i am navigating through the links of the website.


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