recently i have been brosing thru many web templates and have downloaded some of the,.. well now i want to modify the text and put my text in those .. well i aint have any idea on how to do that..?
well if text manipulations are possibly (which i think it is ) then hpw do i program it that on clicking this button it must go to the next page or load another page ....?
i would be glad if you guys could help me out ...

Text manipulation? Did you mean, changing the font ( sizes, color, typeface) and other things, concerning text formatting?

recently i have been brosing thru many web templates and have downloaded some of the,.. well now i want to modify the text and put my text in those .. well i aint have any idea on how to do that..?
well if text manipulations are possibly (which i think it is ) then hpw do i program it that on clicking this button it must go to the next page or load another page ....?
i would be glad if you guys could help me out ...

To edit text, just open the template (most likely start with index.html) with something like notepad or notepad++.
Then just the lines/words you want to change and save it.

If you want a link, you'll need to do this: <a href="your_new_page.html">this goes to your_new_page.html</a>

Hope this helps

Serellyn well thanks for the nudge...
now taking it a step further. how do i link those contact and other buttons in it to other pages that i will have to create. and besides is it imperative to know html in depth or a mediocre knowledge is sufficient.

mediocre is sufficient for me.
the buttons inside the template are just links, (usually)
so you save a copy of the template with the new name
and change the button text where the button says something like <a href="target">page 1</a> to <a href="page1.html">My page 1</a> Post part of the template between [code]

[/code] tags to preserve the code structure, and one of the gurus will likely give you the exact info on where the edits go.

to get up to mediocre, I found this tutorial at W3C helpful

Well yeah now i am getting a hang on it.. well if i have to change it looks then i gotto change those pics in image folder then ( i guess) .
well thats for the front part .. well then where does PHP and MYSQL come into picture .

php and mysql adds to the picture
mediocre becomes the minimum
php is html plus the ability to have the server process instructions before the page is served, to alter the output html page.
mysql is a database, in which information, links to other information, images, names, just about anything can be stored, for php to manipulate and output to the browser as html
this site, is php to process the data, mysql to store it, and is output as html when you want to see something
half a million members
millions of threads
tens of millions of posts, images,
all linked together so that my wife's picture ends up in the corner of my post
and I can change my signature at the bottom of my post

or as simple as making sure the same menu is included in every page without coding it into every page, or have the welcome text say good morning/afternoon/evening

Not as difficult as it could be,
much of the functionality that could ever be required, is available from sourceforge, hotscripts, phpscripts or hundreds of other script sites for download, with instructions, mysql setup, maintainence et al, in the package.
love php slideshow scripts that do it all themselves

Well yeah now i am getting a hang on it.. well if i have to change it looks then i gotto change those pics in image folder then ( i guess) .
well thats for the front part .. well then where does PHP and MYSQL come into picture .

If you'll need help with PHP / MySQL in the future you can always contact me. I'm learning myself right now, I've got the basics in my head. I've been creating a loginsystem and something else. Which can be found at my website.

recently i have been brosing thru many web templates and have downloaded some of the,.. well now i want to modify the text and put my text in those .. well i aint have any idea on how to do that..?
well if text manipulations are possibly (which i think it is ) then hpw do i program it that on clicking this button it must go to the next page or load another page ....?
i would be glad if you guys could help me out ...

you need to open Template or .Dwt file in editor.
use Dreamweaver for it...
and you can edit it.......


well at first place ... thanks to all of you guys taking such an initiative to help me .
kudos to almostbob to come with such an explanation . well as of now i am kinda getting the picture.
well i have modified the templates and linked the pages to one another.
well i have a html form which has to accept the seminar details. i have downloaded the form from

and i will link it to the main page .. then how do i accept the data entered from that form (well i guess here the php comes into picture and mysql to store the data in ts database ) and store it in the database , well sorry to bother you .. but is there any site or resource that can teach me didactically .

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