Well I have this website about a month blog I make concerning a Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game. Call me addicted or what for making a blog of my playing expirience and achievements, but I am asking here due to my WebPages techinical details. It's hosted on geocities so although I would like to add frames (and have already scripted them) I can't because Geocities doesn't support frames.

My Blog WebPage:

Anyways as you can tell from my WebPage my HTML is fairly basic and requires no special tags whatsoever. I'm thinking of adding tables, which I know how to do but is just a hassle as I can't picture in my head exactly where everything goes and have to preview it dozens of times.
Alright, finally, my question is HOW DO I SCRIPT A COMMENT BOX/GUSTBOOK?

I want to add a comment box on the Webpage instead of having my WebPage link to an external site. However most open source guestbooks I have found all use the external web site way. How do I script a comment box of my own, using what tags, and a brief description of their special properties. The main problem I am forecasting is how to have the comment box be updated on the WebPage for everyone to see every time someone enters a message. I'm guessing there is some way to embed the application/script into the WebPage directly, and also that I'm going to need to use Javascript, which I am scared out of my wits of because it looks so confusing.

Any ideas on whether the comment box can be in HTML or Javascript (or combination of the two)?

How far will I have to go into learning the language before I can produce the comment box (basic features, just Name, auto insert date/time,Message,maybe some font changes.)?

Thanks a lot guys.

bump :(

Member Avatar for GreenDay2001

To make a comment box, you need both Javascript and HTML. HTML for forms and JS for scripting it. Also you could use Server Side Pages which is a better approach. These scripts will mail you whatever the visiter has written in the form.

Another piece of advice: please make your problem concise and precise, so that it could be easy for us and other to read.


If you want a guestbook you should have a database (mysql) and read/write from/to it using PHP.
But since you can't even use frames, I'm guessing this could be a problem... Perhaps you should think about changing provider.

How far will I have to go into learning the language before I can produce the comment box

Not that far, there are plenty of example codes to found on te internet.

bump :(


Regards Niek

Hey dude it is very very easy..Read a little about ASP and MS ACCESS..Learn how to connect them together and then use your brain and I am sure you'll figure it out..It aint hard if you try..Here I'll give you a little push..

Connection String to MS ACCESS DATABASE

OleDbConnection Con = new OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=C:\\YourDatabase.mdb");

Now Lets see How to retrieve info from the database.

OleDbConnection Con = new OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=C:\\YourDatabase.mdb");
        	OleDbCommand Com = new OleDbCommand("Seleect * From CommentBox", Con);
            		 OleDbDataReader dReader = Com.ExecuteReader();

            		while (dReader.Read())
             //Make sure your database file has a table named "CommentBox"
            //Simple Example...Here is your "CommentBox"  table layout
                        /* Comments   |   Users    |   Password
                            Blah Blah     |  Meee     |  MyPassword
                           And sooo on...
                         //Now lets retrieve the password from the user named Meee

                                    string Pass = dReader.GetString(2);
                                    string User = dReader.GetString(1);
                                    string Comment = dReader.GetString(0);

                         //There ya go..Have fun coding bro..   
		catch (OleDbException ex)

You can't do it with just HTML and JavaScript, because they run on the user's computer. You need a script that runs on your website's server to achieve this.

I want to make one electronics solution site and I want to use comment box in this site. where my user can post question box.and they can post answer aslo. I dont have any idea of comment box . so if u provide me idea with code of comment , it will be great.........
thank you

wow, seems like you not really getting there. i would suggest that you just create a wordpress blog and link via that.

Most CMS have this feature built in... maybe look into upgrading to the new versions of modx, joomla, drupal or wordpress

<!-- begin htmlcommentbox.com -->
 <div id="HCB_comment_box"><a href="http://www.htmlcommentbox.com">HTML Comment Box</a> is loading comments...</div>
 <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="http://www.htmlcommentbox.com/static/skins/shady/skin.css" />
 <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript" id="hcb"> /*<!--*/ (function(){s=document.createElement("script");s.setAttribute("type","text/javascript");s.setAttribute("src", "http://www.htmlcommentbox.com/jread?page="+escape((typeof hcb_user !== "undefined" && hcb_user.PAGE)||(""+window.location)).replace("+","%2B")+"&opts=403&num=10");if (typeof s!="undefined") document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(s);})(); if(typeof hcb_user=="undefined")hcb_user={};hcb_user.submit="";/*-->*/ </script>
<!-- end htmlcommentbox.com -->

Great? :)

<!-- begin htmlcommentbox.com -->
 <div id="HCB_comment_box"><a href="http://www.htmlcommentbox.com">HTML Comment Box</a> is loading comments...</div>
 <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="http://www.htmlcommentbox.com/static/skins/shady/skin.css" />
 <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript" id="hcb"> /*<!--*/ (function(){s=document.createElement("script");s.setAttribute("type","text/javascript");s.setAttribute("src", "http://www.htmlcommentbox.com/jread?page="+escape((typeof hcb_user !== "undefined" && hcb_user.PAGE)||(""+window.location)).replace("+","%2B")+"&opts=403&num=10");if (typeof s!="undefined") document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(s);})(); if(typeof hcb_user=="undefined")hcb_user={};hcb_user.submit="";/*-->*/ </script>
<!-- end htmlcommentbox.com -->


I have seen the "Free" comment box code on htmlcommentbox and I have serious problems with this type of service. Readers of this thread need to realize that any information that they supply in this comment box will be viewed by a third party. This brings up serious sercurity risk that should be considered.

I hesitate when I hear or see the word "FREE!" What does this person profit by giving away something that is in high demand? Is this just a strategic way to acquire eMail address? The list goes on and on.

We that own websites have responsibilities to the visitors of our sites, number one should be their security. If this service(and it is a service) is used it should have a "Warning" clearly written "Information supplied here may be used by a Third Party site!" At least let your visitors have the choice to make that decission.


I have seen the "Free" comment box code on htmlcommentbox and I have serious problems with this type of service. Readers of this thread need to realize that any information that they supply in this comment box will be viewed by a third party. This brings up serious sercurity risk that should be considered.

I hesitate when I hear or see the word "FREE!" What does this person profit by giving away something that is in high demand? Is this just a strategic way to acquire eMail address? The list goes on and on.

We that own websites have responsibilities to the visitors of our sites, number one should be their security. If this service(and it is a service) is used it should have a "Warning" clearly written "Information supplied here may be used by a Third Party site!" At least let your visitors have the choice to make that decission.


I am NOT the creator of the Comment Box thing, I just liked to use it. I saw the warning before, but I never knew what it meant! How do I delete the info & the Email they took????

First of all, I don't know if they captured any information or not. The ability to do so is there and there are those on the Internet that will do this. If you are using the "Comment Box" I would strongly suggest putting a recognizable "Warning" for your visitors letting them know of the potential danger.

I am still looking for a stand alone box but as of now, I have not found one. When I do, I will post the link. Until then, I would suggest using what you have and put the warning up.

Chances are this is a legitimate site and means no harm. I am probably going to utilize it until I find a more secure way.

As for any information that may have been captured, I don't know of any way to retrieve it. I don't think you have anything to worry about.


You can test the site by making a new address and putting a comment on your site. Monitor the email for a few days and see if any "Spam" appears. If the site is bogus, it won't take long before your email gets lots of traffic.


With HTML Comment Box, they NEVER ask for your Email. How do they get it then?

I have used a free web guestbook wherein I just attached the code to my website and I instantly have the guestbook feature in my website. Try googling it, you will find a bunch of free webhosts who can offer you that kind of service. :)

This might be useful!

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