Well I have this website about a month blog I make concerning a Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game. Call me addicted or what for making a blog of my playing expirience and achievements, but I am asking here due to my WebPages techinical details. It's hosted on geocities so although I would like to add frames (and have already scripted them) I can't because Geocities doesn't support frames.
My Blog WebPage:
Anyways as you can tell from my WebPage my HTML is fairly basic and requires no special tags whatsoever. I'm thinking of adding tables, which I know how to do but is just a hassle as I can't picture in my head exactly where everything goes and have to preview it dozens of times.
Alright, finally, my question is HOW DO I SCRIPT A COMMENT BOX/GUSTBOOK?
I want to add a comment box on the Webpage instead of having my WebPage link to an external site. However most open source guestbooks I have found all use the external web site way. How do I script a comment box of my own, using what tags, and a brief description of their special properties. The main problem I am forecasting is how to have the comment box be updated on the WebPage for everyone to see every time someone enters a message. I'm guessing there is some way to embed the application/script into the WebPage directly, and also that I'm going to need to use Javascript, which I am scared out of my wits of because it looks so confusing.
Any ideas on whether the comment box can be in HTML or Javascript (or combination of the two)?
How far will I have to go into learning the language before I can produce the comment box (basic features, just Name, auto insert date/time,Message,maybe some font changes.)?
Thanks a lot guys.