I am trying do a search and replace with Dreamweaver and regex. Specifically, I am trying to replace all the ' with ' but it keeps inserting '

I can't find an option to change or anything else. Does anyone know how to escape the ampersand or where the option is?


I'm using CS3 and in code view I searched for ' and replaced with ' which worked fine for me.
I had none of the check boxes ticked and used Source Code as the place to search make sure its not set to text.


Find in: Current Document
Search: Source Code
Find: '
Replace: '
Options: All unchecked.

replace and replace all both worked fine
you might also want to check the "Code Rewriting" section of your preferences and try some of the settings there.

i got it working. just needed to find and swap all the single quots from the tags so i could do source code find. I was using advanced text search so i would look only inside p tags.


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