Guys can you help me out how to differentiate the following website type:

(1) webbed
(2) broad
(3) hierarchical
(4) deep

I'm trying to search out for this type of website in search engines but until now.. . I can't find it... Guys please help me out in this one... Okay.. Thanks Guys. and Have a nice day ahead... That question is for our subject web page design and development...

and guys if you want cite me some example site that is categorized as mentioned above... (hierarchial, deep, webbed and broad..)

Hierarchical : tree structure each page is accessible from its parent(s) and child(ren), by link
webbed: multiple links and pathways exist from page to other pages regardlesss of the position in the site structure.
typically web sites are a combination of both, there are usually links to FAQ and RELATED PAGES from everywhere deep, there are more levels th the structure, more branches to the tree, than there are branches on a level
broad, there are more branches at a level, than there are levelsit is somewhat irrelevant, to even look for a difference at a semantic level
a web site structure is determined by the information the site designer is trying to convey,
depth and the complexity of the links reflect the data structure.
In complex sites the designer has small need to monitor site structure, typically the structure comes from urls & options stored in a database.
MS is broad deep hierarchical webbed site
my is narrow deep webbed site, a lot of information on two main headings, where each links to the other.

Hierarchical : tree structure each page is accessible from its parent(s) and child(ren), by link
webbed: multiple links and pathways exist from page to other pages regardlesss of the position in the site structure.
typically web sites are a combination of both, there are usually links to FAQ and RELATED PAGES from everywhere deep, there are more levels th the structure, more branches to the tree, than there are branches on a level
broad, there are more branches at a level, than there are levelsit is somewhat irrelevant, to even look for a difference at a semantic level
a web site structure is determined by the information the site designer is trying to convey,
depth and the complexity of the links reflect the data structure.
In complex sites the designer has small need to monitor site structure, typically the structure comes from urls & options stored in a database.
MS is broad deep hierarchical webbed site
my is narrow deep webbed site, a lot of information on two main headings, where each links to the other.

Thank for this Information... . Bob...

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