I have a website, which translated in many languages, i don't know how i use these languages text in my HTML pages.

translated files to a sytematic naiming system,
for static files I used index(2letterstandardlanguagecode).html something like indexes (spanish) idexfr (french) indexde (german)

<a href='indexfr.html' title='La traduction est automatique, confirment svp les details essentiels dans la version Anglaise originale'>en Fran&ccedil;ais</a>
<a href='indexes.html' title='La traducción es automática, confirma por favor los detalles esenciales en la versión Inglesa originale' >En espa&ntilde;ol</a>

Nowadays google translate api do all the work for me, just a tiny google gadget in menu.php -- shows in every page, and translates to 52 languages

Member Avatar for ingeva

Nowadays google translate api do all the work for me, just a tiny google gadget in menu.php -- shows in every page, and translates to 52 languages

From what I've seen such translations are almost unreadable. Only word for word and taken out of context, no grammar ... you have to guess the meaning for every other sentence.

Sorry folks, we are still in the technological childhood.


for the languages I speak, its close, the grammar and sentence structure changes between French Engllish and Greek to much as I write, and much more grammatically correct than I would use at the neighborhood,
For languages I don't speak it is better.
page output is generated from database and is time date and user dependent
Even fully multilingual people cannot directly translate all the detail of Language to another Language

Member Avatar for ingeva

for the languages I speak, its close, the grammar and sentence structure changes between French Engllish and Greek to much as I write,

I think you should try Norwegian, or worse: Finnish.

Texts translated like this can be read if you're struggling hard to get the meaning, but the language is simply horrible. Too many expressions change completely when you translate to another language. Now remember, English, French, Italian, Spanish and Greek have many similarities. When you come to other language groups it's a very different matter.

I think you should try Norwegian, or worse: Finnish.

Texts translated like this can be read if you're struggling hard to get the meaning, but the language is simply horrible. Too many expressions change completely when you translate to another language. Now remember, English, French, Italian, Spanish and Greek have many similarities. When you come to other language groups it's a very different matter.

I didnt realise its so different
then a site wide approach might be better
the translated pages in folder structure the same as the primary language structure but with a language code in the root folder name


php link that will work most of the time from the root language to other but not back again

<a href="/francais<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>">page en francais</a>
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