I am pondering what I could do to improve http://www.mlwehelp.com! any suggestions?

Part of this update I plan to rework everything even my services like getting way from everything being free. Any suggestions on pricing based on the industry standards? my main goal is to deliver reasonable prices based on the clients budget and needs.

I am just stumped on everything on this site and I would thank you for your advise.

Your site right now is lacking in content. There is very little text, and the only graphic is in the header. Also, you have a run on sentence on the home page.

I suggest you add some text as to what makes you unique, using <h1> thru <h6> headers to break up the pages. Also, you might want to have a portfolio of work you have done.

Your site for me isn't so appealing. I suggest you add some colors or graphics to enhance its appearance.

And a good content would be great!

BTW, I have to say I found your header so big.

bringing it to current best practice would help
fixed width central column looks ridiculous on a widescreen monitor, creates horizontal scroll bars opn a small monitor or small browser window
font becomes vanishingly small on a hires monitor, fails on a handheld/blackberry/iphone
potential customer CEO has either the latest desktop wizz, or handheld toy,
paid developer's sites need to be code compliant,
potential customers know just enough to use validators, not enough to determine whether the errors are serious http://validator.w3.org/check?uri=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.mlwehelp.com%2F&charset=%28detect+automatically%29&doctype=Inline&group=0 Xhtml and html do not mix well

the stand out part of your page in a keyword search, is the advertisement for PSpad editor

How about, after developing the content, looking at some portfolio websites for inspiration in terms of layout and design. Here's a list of the site's I regularly visit when I need to unblock my, erm, creative block... :)


In fact, there's a very timely post on that last website which I think will help you out.

Happy Redesigning! :)

I would change the header picture and focus a little more on typography, and also probably add more content to it cause' right now it looks very plain.

You need a better overall website design and a lot more content.

Then you work yourself up from there.

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