On my web page i have a footer image that is to go on the bottom of the page, but is also to be centered(like a centered footer on the bottom of a page!!)
I know that if i use the center tag, tahat i cant use the position:absolute style in css to move to bottom. So what can i do??

I know that if i use the center tag, tahat i cant use the position:absolute style in css to move to bottom. So what can i do??

why not? it should work o_O if not:

<div style="position:absolute;"><center>i'm in the middle</center></div>

of course. you shouldn't use <center> tags anymore. unless the powers that be have changed their minds again; you should use:

<div style="position:absolute;text-align:center;">i'm in the middle</div>

It isn't a matter of "changing minds". It's simply a matter of which HTML version, meaning schema, indicated by DOCYTPE, you are using.

The "center" tag is perfectly valid, in certain versions of HTML.

The arguments that it SHOULDN'T be used, even where it's legal, are philosophical in nature and should never stand in the way of "getting the job done". The argument, of course, is that "centering" something is purely visual, unrelated to the structure of the document, and that HTML is structural markup. Any markup having to do with presentation, should be done with CSS.

ah; i understand. when my comments are in that tone, it's purely satirical.

i thought center was outright deprecated in all current versions of HTML? i write in XHTML transitional because I usually generate pages from XML, and I don't care much for SGML anyway. my pages start life with a simple XML structure, and end up with a different (complex) HTML structure. that's why I'm firmly in the belief that a page must be defined by more than it's CSS, and any attempts to move certain aspects of a page into CSS will result in CSS looking more like HTML, and ending up needing it's own style descriptor.

i don't have any problem with "the powers that be" or the guidelines, or even following the guidelines. or conforming to a doctype, or using a doctype. infact, I like the doctypes. quirks mode aint so nice.

but I'll never agree that HTML isn't a means of presenting data. sometimes the structure is the presentation.

You'll find I agree with you. You're right, "center" isn't in some of the newer standards. But with HTML, one standard doesn't necessarily supersede an older standard. You can code any HTML standard you like. As browsers get better, then adhere more closely to the standards. If you declare the proper doctype, then you're mostly ok. If you want to use HTML 3.2 and the "center" tag: go for it.

I too agree that separating structure and content isn't so easy. "Centering" is a good example. Try telling an architect the "central" support beam isn't structural.

i never let convention or heresay get in the way of what i want to do. if it comes to it, i'll try to force the appearance/flexibility i want by whatever means available.

but, the amount of people (admitadly, they're mostly in other forums) who want to move everything possible into CSS, and the "you must be joking" response to simple flexible solutions involving !tables!, i do feel like i must be in the opinion minority sometimes o_O

:cheesy: Hey thanx Dudes. im not all that up to date with certain standards.
Now this "text-align:center", i hear people use it to center everything now adays, but what i also heard is that it doesnt work on all browsers. I like to make the type of pages were both Fox and IE(dont really care about opera) read them the same(compadibility). :mrgreen:

text-align:center will work in firefox, and ie. but it might not work in very old versions. you should also pick a document type for your page(s), otherwise the browser(s) will have something of a field day when it comes to how they make things look. if you pick a recent document type, then your page will probably look ok on all browsers* including opera.


*that support CSS =P

Agreed. In any discussion about CSS and HTML, the very first question to ask is, "What DOCTYPE are you declaring?".

If there isn't a good answer, or if the coder doesn't know what a "DOCTYPE" is, there is no point in further discussion.

Strict DTD
but i will pretty mutch use whatever works best

which STRICT? =P strict could be strict X(ML)HTML or strict SGML HTML, it could also be strict x.x where x.x is version/revision number...

If you use a browser like Firefox, it will tell you whether a page is in quirks or standards compliance mode. that can be helpful if you're not sure whether you're referencing a document type correctly.

The W3C also offer a tool that you can use to see just how compliant you are:


and an example pass:
for: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> and an example fail:
for: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> and an example of an invalid doctype:

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