Hello, there is a site out there known as 'getref', I want to have a site like that, can anyone help me getting HTML code for that ?

OR any help will be welcome..
I am new to this forum thats why I am not posting any links....
thanks at-least for reading this, have a terrific day(or night) ahead...

starting a site is takes a lot of work...and whatever you want to do you better start it and if you stumble along the way then you ask for help.. :)

starting a site is takes a lot of work...and whatever you want to do you better start it and if you stumble along the way then you ask for help.. :)

ya I know that starting a site takes a lot, but how to start that is the point.
I am working out the rules, just want some coding help !
Tell me if there is any way to get a HTML code of any site ?
Is there any software available on which you enter site's address and you get code in return ?

Thanks anyway..

dont use the code off that site its Crap
no dtd
parameters dont exist
tables are outdated
parameter values should be quoted
This site is a mashup of the worst that they could copy from somebody else

<html><HEAD><TITLE>Welcome to Getref.com</TITLE>
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the code isnt much use anyway the site is running asp so most of the 'intelligence' if that applies to anyone who produces something this bad, is on the server and not displayed
google search for what you want in the language you want

dont u get that stuff from right clicking and then view page sorce or the firebug asshone for firefox

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