Im learning to design a web site. I would like some one teach me how to design a form to obtain information from visitors to the site. I know how to create the form but I dont know how to make it retrieve the information or where the information should be.

"I know how to create the form but I dont know how to make it retrieve the information or where the information should be. "

The reason is that HTML doesn't allow you to do this. Coffee Cup has some inexpensive software to create forms and handle responses. Or, if you think you can handle some basic CGI, there are programs that will process your input for you.

The content is the main source for the website.Their full ability may given in the content.The content updation must be kept in the regular work for the designer.The simple and understandable text also is an advantage for the content.

try to search about > make form to mail php < on google if you want the data send to your inbox

Im learning to design a web site. I would like some one teach me how to design a form to obtain information from visitors to the site. I know how to create the form but I dont know how to make it retrieve the information or where the information should be.


You must use either asp or php codes for saving the the information from the visitors. You can also use Content Management System Platform, to easily create a form for adding visitor information. Try checking on, square space and wordpress. You can also check Joomla!

Ivan Shieldon LLesol

Form is basically used to get user information, there are two two ways to do it. GET and POST method. To collect user information in server side, you have to use some server side language like PHP, ASP or JSP.
Check out this link for PHP Example.

Im learning to design a web site. I would like some one teach me how to design a form to obtain information from visitors to the site. I know how to create the form but I dont know how to make it retrieve the information or where the information should be.


You can use Web Content Management Tools for developing website. Creating a form is just easy there. For more information visit the following websites:


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