I have a probleme with the background image of the table . you know ,when we using the img tag for showing an image ,it is possible to determine the width of it but how can do it for a table ?

I want to wide the background image to make it fit of the table . it is an image and i don't want to repeat it , i just want to make it wider , i mean increase the image's width to fit the table

how can I do so ?


Can you not use a paint programme to modify th image?
if not try some CSS

<style type="text/css">#img{
background-image:url(___PATH TO IMAGE___);
height:413;   Height of table
width:427;    Width of table

<body><table width="413" id="img" height="427">

  <tr>................etc etc etc </form>

Hope that helps

Width: 100%;

I think you can put width attribute in the img tag then specify exactly the width of your table.

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