I'm trying to get two divs to line up side by side hoping it will solve my issue. I have two tables of expandable lists. when a section in the first div is selected, the second div moves with the expansion. I've tried setting the second div to position: absolute but that wouldn't allow the section to expand readably. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!

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                        <div id="slogan-text" class="art-Logo-text">Inventory For The Hospitality Industry</div>
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                        <div class="art-Post">
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                            <div class="art-PostMetadataHeader">
                                <h2 class="art-PostHeaderIcon-wrapper">
                                    <span class="art-PostHeader">Yellow Dog Inventory</span>
                            <div class="art-PostContent">
                                <img class="art-article" src="images/Vendor.jpg" alt="Yellow Dog Inventory" width="175px"/>
				<img class="art-article" src="images/oi_logo.jpg" alt="Yellow Dog Inventory"/>
				<img class="art-article" src="images/Checkout_small.jpg" alt="Yellow Dog Inventory"/>
			Yellow Dog Inventory is a full featured, intuitive retail inventory system able handle the merchandise 

needs of resorts, clubs and general retail 			           operations. Whether you are looking to manage a 

single retail outlet or multiple outlets across one or more properties, 
				   Yellow Dog Inventory offers the flexibility you expect with rock-solid architecture to meet 

the needs of your organization.</h5>
 <h4>Yellow Dog Inventory Features:</h4> 
                                <table class="table" width="100%">
                                		<td width="33%" valign="top">

<div class="dhtmlgoodies_question">Physical Inventory </div>
<div class="dhtmlgoodies_answer">
						   <ul class="ulopen"> 
						     <li>Apply physical inventory count changes as of a date/time 
						     <li>Variance shown on screen and report 
						     <li>Select items by level(s)
<div class="dhtmlgoodies_question">Data Collection for Physical Inventories </div>
<div class="dhtmlgoodies_answer">
						   <ul class="ulopen">    
						     <li>Windows CE data collector 
						     <li>Inventory list downloaded to scanner 
						     <li>Different beep tone if scanned item was not found in database. 
						     <li>Manual key in screen when barcode can't be scanned. 
					             <li>Easy to subtract quantities from scanner. 
						     <li>Preview of items scanned 
						     <li>Use multiple scanners to consolidate item counts
<div class="dhtmlgoodies_question">Order Flows </div>
<div class="dhtmlgoodies_answer">
						   <ul class="ulopen"> 
						     <li><b>Requests</b> <br /> Store can submit requests for review and 

						     <li><b>Purchase Orders</b><br /> Requests can be converted to a PO or you 

can create new orders without a receipt.  Orders                                                              can be created 

based on reorder points and inventory on-hand 
						     <li><b>Receipts</b><br /> Receive inventory with or without a PO 
						     <li><b>Invoice Entry</b><br /> Enter item costs and additional expenses 

(freight, embroidery, etc) 
						     <li>Custom templates for all forms (requests, orders, receipts, invoices) 
					             <li>Automatic order numbering 
						     <li>Add new items on the fly 
						     <li>Print Labels when receiving items
	<div class="dhtmlgoodies_question">Transfers </div>
<div class="dhtmlgoodies_answer">
						  <ul class="ulopen"> 
						     <li>Transfers items from one store to another 
					             <li>Custom templates 
						     <li>Automatic transfer numbering 
						     <li>Add new items on the fly during the transfer process
	<div class="dhtmlgoodies_question">Returns to Vendors </div>
<div class="dhtmlgoodies_answer">
  						   <ul class="ulopen"> 
						     <li>Returns items to vendors 
						     <li>Custom template for returns 
						     <li>Automatic transfer numbering based on Store, Vendor, Incremental, and 

manual input 
						     <li>Custom Templates
<div class="dhtmlgoodies_question">Bar Code Labels  </div>
<div class="dhtmlgoodies_answer">
  						   <ul class="ulopen"> 
					             <li>Custom labels sizes and information 
						     <li>Ability to print on demand or <i>queue</i> labels 
						     <li>Supports both standard and roll printers 
					             <li>Starting position selection for partial full page labels
<div class="dhtmlgoodies_question">Vendor Management  </div>
<div class="dhtmlgoodies_answer">
  						    <ul class="ulopen"> 
						     <li>Unlimited vendors 
						     <li>Vendor code can be part of SKU number 
						     <li>Fields for account number, vendor tax id, website, terms, and notes 
						     <li>View and edit all items from a vendor 
						     <li>Add news items from vendor screen 
						     <li>Create links to vendor web catalog for each item

<div class="dhtmlgoodies_question">Security & Employee Management   </div>
<div class="dhtmlgoodies_answer">
						   <ul class="ulopen">  
						     <li>Unlimited employees 
						     <li>Multiple phone and email fields per employee 
						     <li>Display of employee access rights 
						     <li>Set security by menu and primary functions 
						     <li>Restrict employees to certain store(s)
<div class="dhtmlgoodies_question">Reporting  </div>
<div class="dhtmlgoodies_answer">
						   <ul class="ulopen">  
						    <li>Standard reports on inventory sales, activity, and status 
						    <li>Export to CSV file or directly to Excel 
						    <li>Display or hide various columns per report 
						    <li>Easily sort and subtotal data
<div class="dhtmlgoodies_question">Micros Integration  </div>
<div class="dhtmlgoodies_answer">
						   <ul class="ulopen"> 
						    <li>Automatic assignment of MICROS major groups, family codes, and menu 

classes when creating an item 
					            <li>MICROS interface runs as a service 
						    <li>New items and updates automatically sent every hour with on-demand 

update function as well 
						    <li>Checks to make sure that item info can not conflict with existing 

MICROS item information. 
						    <li>Transactions from POS automatically updated every hour with on-demand 

update function as well 
						    <li>Items can be flagged to not be sent to MICROS 
						    <li>Reporting of any integration item issues
<div class="dhtmlgoodies_question">Accounting Integration  </div>
<div class="dhtmlgoodies_answer">
						   <ul class="ulopen"> 
						    <li>Send daily COGS, item adjustments, and invoices to accounting via 

import files
<div class="dhtmlgoodies_question"> Technology </div>
<div class="dhtmlgoodies_answer">
		<ul class="ulopen"> 
						    <li>Developed using C# and Microsoft .Net 2.0 
						    <li>Database: SQL 2005 (Can use SQL Express free version for most installs)

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Please post your code where the problem found. We have not enough time to check all of your codes. Thanks

Hi padrict,

Not too sure if I understand your issue. But try this out add the following class to the div below the h4

<h4>Yellow Dog Inventory Features:</h4>
<div class="leftmenu _col">

Here is the CSS

.leftmenu {float:left;position:relative;}

Thanks for the suggestion. Unfortunately it didn't work. I'm still playing with it though. And yes, I probably didn't explain it very well either :)

The code is too long and people will be scared away after seeing this post.

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