how i can put iframe on top of other iframe in html,

i am trying to do is as follows
there is a iframe of size 100px by 100px having src as web1.html
and when i click a button outside the iframe new iframe should come up on top of the frist one of size 200px by 200px havinf src as web2.html

how this can be done ?

hello any one ?

css styling

#frame1 {top:150px; left:150px; height:100px; width:100px;}
#frame2 {top:100px; left:100px; height:200px; width:200px; z-index:10; visibility:hidden; }
<button onclick='document.getElementbyID("frame2").visibility="show";'} />

ignoring the *** positioning, better to set it relative so the document flows, and adjusts to screen changes,
hidden and show may not be the right words, for proper format
please consider this as a guide only

dont be so hasty, its a free volunteer forum,
people will read the post eventually << attempted humor :D

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