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YT spits out invalid xhtml for embed code, so have been trying to get to grips with validating pages with embedded videos. Came across this today. Any thoughts? Does it work with all browsers? I've got the modern ones - so can't test the oldies.

<object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="[B];hl=en_US&amp;fs=1&amp;rel=0[/B]" width="400"
 height="326"> <param name="movie" value="[B];hl=en_US&amp;fs=1&amp;rel=0[/B]" /> <param name="FlashVars" value="playerMode=embedded" /> </object>

(I just took a random video). Seems not to like Chrome?

For the oldies & all the other browsers you havent access to try
it has been down twice in three days, sorry if it is down when you look

We don't embed anymore. The embed tag is deprecated code, and was never supported by all browsers. It never did validate.

Your code may be correct, but not supported by Chrome. Chrome is new enough that they might have left something out.

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