Hi everyone
First time on this site hope to learn something.
I have a huge problem with web page
I have a flash banner from ds effects and it works fine in Internet Explorer but not in Firefox or Netscape
This is the script
<OBJECT classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase="http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=6,0,0,0" id="DS_ImageScroll" width="776" height="119">
<PARAM NAME=movie VALUE=DS_ImageScroll.swf?credits=&loadtext=Loading&#32;...&loadtextcolor=6D8269&speed=6&pause=2&direction=left&interactive=out&image1=jetsbanner.jpg&image2=jetsbanner.jpg&overtext1=WELCOME&#32;TO&#32;IPSWICH&#32;JETS&overtextfont1=verdana&overtextsize1=64&overtexttype1=scrollleft&overtexty1=10&overtextspeed1=2&overtextshadow1=yes&overtextstyle1=bold&overtextcol1=ffd700><PARAM NAME=quality VALUE=high><PARAM NAME=menu VALUE=false><PARAM NAME=bgcolor VALUE="#ffffff"><PARAM NAME=wmode VALUE=transparent>
<EMBED src=DS_ImageScroll.swf?credits=&loadtext=Loading&#32;...&loadtextcolor=6D8269&speed=6&pause=2&direction=left&interactive=out&image1=pic1.jpg&image2=pic2.jpg&overtext1=WELCOME&#32;TO&#32;IPSWICH&#32;JETS&overtextfont1=verdana&overtextsize1=64&overtexttype1=scrollleft&overtexty1=10&overtextspeed1=2&overtextshadow1=yes&overtextstyle1=bold&overtextcol1=ffd700 quality=high bgcolor="#ffffff" width=600 height=200 NAME="DS_ImageScroll" TYPE="application/x-shockwave-flash" PLUGINSPAGE="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer"></EMBED>
Please put an end to all this worry
Thanks heaps

Hi JeannieM, welcome to the site. :)

The Community Introductions forum is just a casual place for new members to introduce themselves, but it isn't someplace where technical questions get answered. Since you definitely do have a technical problem that needs to be solved, I'm moving your post to forum where you will get more Macromedia-savy "eyeballs" on your question.

We're off to the Graphics and Multimedia forum; buckle up...

I have a huge problem with web page

That's why all of us are here, some have problems others know how to solve them :cool:

I have a flash banner from ds effects and it works fine in Internet Explorer but not in Firefox or Netscape
This is the script
<OBJECT classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase="http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=6,0,0,0" id="DS_ImageScroll" width="776" height="119">
<PARAM NAME=movie VALUE=DS_ImageScroll.swf?credits=&loadtext=Loading ...&loadtextcolor=6D8269&speed=6&pause=2&direction=left&interactive=out&image1=jetsbanner.jpg&image2=jetsbanner.jpg&overtext1=WELCOME TO IPSWICH JETS&overtextfont1=verdana&overtextsize1=64&overtexttype1=scrollleft&overtexty1=10&overtextspeed1=2&overtextshadow1=yes&overtextstyle1=bold&overtextcol1=ffd700><PARAM NAME=quality VALUE=high><PARAM NAME=menu VALUE=false><PARAM NAME=bgcolor VALUE="#ffffff"><PARAM NAME=wmode VALUE=transparent>
<EMBED src=DS_ImageScroll.swf?credits=&loadtext=Loading ...&loadtextcolor=6D8269&speed=6&pause=2&direction=left&interactive=out&image1=pic1.jpg&image2=pic2.jpg&overtext1=WELCOME TO IPSWICH JETS&overtextfont1=verdana&overtextsize1=64&overtexttype1=scrollleft&overtexty1=10&overtextspeed1=2&overtextshadow1=yes&overtextstyle1=bold&overtextcol1=ffd700 quality=high bgcolor="#ffffff" width=600 height=200 NAME="DS_ImageScroll" TYPE="application/x-shockwave-flash" PLUGINSPAGE="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer"></EMBED>

Sorry Jeannie, but we are missing somthing here. You say, you have problem with this banner, but what kind of problem? What error messages? Any description of problem like banner is supposed to loop but it doesn't. Give us more!!! I visited their web site but everything is o.k. there.

And don't be greedy, give a credits ti people which created this banner for you

<PARAM NAME=movie VALUE=DS_ImageScroll.swf?credits=www.dseffects.com&loadtext=Loading ...&

Waiting for more details..... :D

Hi Peter
Sorry didn't explain it too clearly.The banner moves in to the left in IE but when I load the page in Firefox or Netscape there is no banner.
it is from dseffects have a look.It look great in IE
http://members.optusnet .com.au/jeanmair/www
Hope that helps
Thanks Jeannie

Hi Jeannie
Sorry didn't reply early, but I was busy at work.
I looked at your site to see what that flsh does. What I so compitely suprised me. Code is O.K. what I think is, there is something wrong with your "swf". By calling this address

you should be able to see your flash stuff on full screen like in this case

However in your case nothing appear just text Loading which is part of code loadtext=Loading .... It's seems to me that your file has issues with permisions which are usally set up on Unix based servers. I don't think you have any tool to check this permisions. What you can do is send me this flash file(send my a private message with your email and I will reply to it) and I can do it for you or have to contact www.dseffects.com and ask them for help/advice.

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